Accidents at work in the atypical workforce (2003)
The rapid growth in the number of atypical jobs in our Country is essentially due to the demand for greater flexibility in the relationship between employers and employees or para-subordinates, due to the recent change in production methods. However, above all, it is due to the desire to reduce the costs of the labour factor. The so-called Biagi Reform introduced new forms of work, with modulated, reduced or flexitime. The area of atypical work is set to expand. In addition to part-time, apprenticeship and job placement contracts, the law introduces the following forms of contract: intermittent work or job on call; job sharing; project work; and auxiliary work. However, the Eurispes-Ispesl research shows that by its very nature and structure, flexible work carries a higher risk of accidents and occupational diseases, although the frequency of accidents in atypical work is extremely variable and lacking in homogeneity. Statistical surveys show, in this regard, that mortality and (occupational) accident rates among temporary workers are at least two to three times higher than among permanent workers, since there is a general tendency for the latter to be assigned dangerous, high-risk or unhealthy tasks that the company’s regular staff would normally refuse. In atypical work, the accident risk factor is therefore linked to the changed organisation of work, and is increased by the large number of workers employed.
Employment dynamics: general and sectoral trends
Atypical jobs: an overview of a recent phenomenon
Accidents at work: are they more frequent in the atypical sector?
Not only accidents: the connection between atypicality, precariousness and stress