Smart shopping | A survey by Eurispes – Focus in collaboration with Dacia

Eurispes and Focus, in collaboration with Dacia, have carried out a survey on the buying habits of Italians, with particular attention to smart consumption. The research was carried out by means of an online questionnaire filled in by 2,696 people belonging to the community of Focus readers.

The picture that emerges is that consumers who are attentive to the quality/price ratio, who love the top brands but don’t dismiss emerging brands, and who have no hesitation in opting for low-cost and intelligent consumption.



Sample characteristics

Purchase choices

Consumers’ opinions

Changes in consumption habits

Active consumers

Low-cost products, special offers and promotions: opportunities to seize?

Low-cost shopping: what Italians put in their shopping carts

Italians’ opinions on low-cost products

Experiencing consumption

Online shopping: products, services and purchasing groups

Summary Document

A survey on the buying habits of Italians, with particular attention to smart consumption

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