Games, betting and lotteries: gambling Italians (2000)

Italians are gambling more and more. The underlying reason is a lack of confidence in society. In our Country there is a lack of gaming culture, which in our opinion implies a greater awareness of the risks inherent in the practice of gaming. The immature practice of Italians towards gaming is certainly the most delicate point of the issue. The discourse explores the notion of “addiction”, exploring its many aspects, and in particular the symmetrical obstacles of condemnation (gambling as an authentic choice) and discharging (gambling as a disease). These remarks are deepened in the first chapter, elaborating on them in the light of the dichotomy of Chance and Ability, in which the study of Videopoker as a social phenomenon fits in well. In the second chapter, the data obtained through the field research, which represented an important moment in the realisation of this study, are analysed. The questionnaire was administered to a sample of 1,000 Italian citizens, representative of the national reality. An extremely varied portrait of the player emerged, or rather a wide range of portraits. It was possible to get a detailed picture of the Italians’ attitude towards gambling. This is why, given the complexity of the subject, it was considered opportune to divide the following chapter, inherent to the in-depth examination of legal games in Italy, into specific fact sheets. In the fourth chapter, the most controversial issues related to Videopoker were examined in depth. In particular, the legislative analysis has highlighted the major inconsistencies in the current legislation on the issue.







Italians, gaming and video poker


A great desire to play


One in a thousand makes it

Si par hasard

Less freedom, less necessity, more chance

The Lottery in Babylon

Chance as a front for justice

The lottery of survival

Gold fever

Entertainment versus gambling

A Non-Free Game



How much freedom

The Gambler



Our investigation


Italians’ attitudes towards gambling: the “gender” factor

Italians’ attitude towards gaming: the “age” factor

Italians’ attitude towards gaming: the “territory” factor

Italians’ attitude towards gaming: the “education level” factor

Attitudes of Italians towards gaming: the “marital status” factor

Attitudes of Italians towards gambling: the “player/non-player” factor



The state of gambling

General Data

Card 1. Lotto and SuperEnalotto

Card 2. Lotteries

Card 3. One, ics, two…

Card 4. Tris and Totip

Sheet 5. Betting

Sheet 6. Casinos




Game mechanics and social perception

The legislative aspect between entertainment and gambling

When gambling really becomes gambling

Current legislation in some European countries

What should be done?

Analysis of the costs and benefits of automated entertainment in Italy: the current context

The regulatory framework

The economic data of the sector

The evolution of the phenomenon

The most significant effects on the different categories of subjects involved

A new discipline for fun-games

The reasons for a new intervention of the legislator

The structure of the new law

The most significant effects on the different categories of subjects involved

Final remarks

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