EU and national budgetary constraints: the influence of the Stability and Growth Pact on Italian regions’ and local authorities’ finances (2019)
The objective of the Eurispes research, carried out in collaboration with the Five Star Movement, is to highlight how the budget constraints, both national and EU, on the financial resources that local authorities had in cash, have in recent years ‘frozen’ the spending capacity of the authorities themselves, including for investment. Furthermore, the study shows how their release can be an instrument for relaunching the economy.
The study provides a complete picture of the legislative and jurisprudential evolution, both national and European, on the subject of the Stability Pact and budget constraints; it surveys the financial resources currently available in the budgets of Italian local authorities and, finally, it suggests some useful solutions to speed up the recovery of investments.
EU and national budgetary constraints: the influence of the Stability and Growth Pact on Italian regions’ and local authorities’ finances (2019)