Socio-economic survey of North-East Sardinia (2021)

The socio-economic survey of North-Eastern Sardinia was carried out in agreement with the Regional Departments for Planning and Education. As well as being preliminary to the school system’s orientation project, the study is also intended to provide municipal administrations, trade union organisations and the business sector with a tool for understanding the socio-economic situation in the area.

The North-East is a geographic area which, as a whole, has characteristics of historical and cultural cohesion and economic and social dynamism that are unique on the island and which, despite contingent difficulties and elements of ‘non-homogeneity’ and vulnerability, still expresses important resources and growth potential. The aim of this work is to identify, analyse, describe and highlight its social and economic evolution in the most recent period. To this end, the following thematic parts have been developed:

– The North-East Gateway to the Island;
– The characteristics and demographic evolution;
– The main characteristics of the housing stock;
– Productive activities;
– The economy of the sea;
– Tourism;
– The environmental, natural and cultural heritage;
– The labour market.

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