“The Lord of the Animals”. Hunting between myth and modernization (1995)
This new research that the Institute has dedicated to hunting is an attempt to describe a path of reconstruction and scientific updating of the phenomenon, and a need for critical analysis of the new economic, cultural and social indications that the hunting debate highlights. The work aims to stimulate a high moment of confrontation on the redevelopment of cultural and environmental issues. The research has observed the phenomenon through a reflection that interweaves anthropological analysis with economic and production indicators, legislative aspects with those relating to communication. Finally, the study has reconstructed a historical path of bibliographic documentation. We believe it is essential to continue to propose, in continuity with the cultural strand of research presented by Eurispes in recent years, a collaboration between farmers, environmentalists and hunters for the construction of an integrated project that aims at environmental conservation, economic enhancement and overall development of Italy’s natural resources.
Chapter 1
Hunting, an anthropological reflection
Hunting, an anthropological reflection
The ethnological level
The historical path
The modern age
Hunting as a passion: memories and remembrance
Folkloric analysis
A concluding note
Chapter 2
Hunting legislation
Italian hunting legislation
Short historical excursus of the Italian hunting legislation
Law 968/77 innovative aspects compared to the previous legislation
The Law 394/91 Framework law on protected areas and application problems
Law 157/92 Framework law for the protection of homeothermic wild fauna and for hunting
Draft laws
Current Community regulations
Provisions of financing and contributions in favour of land owners
Chapter 3
The hunting market: an economic and social analysis of hunters and the industry
Hunting associations
how to become a hunter
Hunting types
Hunting abroad
Hunting and the arms industry
Related activities. Brief notes on specialised publishing
Some considerations on the opportunities offered to the hunting and farming world by law 157/92
Hunting activity and wildlife planning
Hunting farms
The hunting market
Chapter 4
Hunting and the press in the Nineties
Hunting and the press in the nineties
The terms of the debate
Articles by type
When we talk about hunting
Language: titles and contents
What they say about you… Opinions on hunting reported by Italian newspapers (1992-1995)
Hunting magazines
Specialised periodicals: history and circulation
The profile of “Diana” readers
Interviews: the attitude of the press towards the “hunting” theme
Antonio Cianciullo, secretary of Aiga
Marco Ciarafoni, secretary general of Unavi
Grazia Francescato, president of WWF
Giuliano Incerpi, director of the magazine “Diana”.
Bruno Modugno, journalist, environmentalist, hunter
Chapter 5
Bibliographic research. A documentation path on hunting
Introductory notes
From the unification of Italy to the first national law n. 1420/’23
After the first national law, consumerism, the evolution of the thematics: law n. 968/’77
From 1978 to 1990: the decade of referendums
The nineties, law n. 157/92: hunting federalism
The factsheets