The Internationalisation of the Italian Economy – Foreign Investments in Italy and from Italy to Abroad (1993)

The term internationalisation is preferably used to refer to the growth of capital movements and brings together movements of risk capital, financial capital, and purely speculative capital. With this work, Eurispes intends to take stock of that part of capital movements that represent actual acquisitions of productive activities, either already in place or newly created. Among the main results of the work, we note the growth in quantitative terms of productive investment flows and a clear reduction in investments in mining and agricultural activities with a corresponding increase in investments in the tertiary sector. Europe’s overall growth as an investor and as a receiver of capital is also recorded. Italy’s position shows particularly relevant elements: first of all, it has lost its role as a capital-importing country. A series of flashes complete the research on some significant aspects of international investment markets, particularly the new markets of Eastern Europe.








Chapter 1. The international panorama


Chapter 2. The Italian general framework

Italy’s Position

Italian Investments Abroad

Foreign Investments in Italy

The Dynamics of the Internationalisation of the Italian Economy

The Geographical Directives of Italian Investment Abroad

The Structure of Italian Investment Abroad

Investments from abroad by country of origin

The Structure of Investments from Abroad


Chapter 3. Inward and Outward Industrial Investment

Inbound and Outbound Industrial Investment

Italian Direct Investment Abroad in Industry

Italian Foreign Direct Investment in Industry

Geographical Directions

Sectoral and Geographical Macrostructures

Sectoral Articulation




Chapter 4. Direct investment in Eastern Europe


Chapter 5. The role of multinationals


Chapter 6. The European Economic Area


Chapter 7. International support for foreign direct investment


Chapter 8. Foreign investment in the automotive industry in Eastern Europe: an example of a regional network strategy


Chapter 9. Foreign direct investment in Argentina


Chapter 10. Statistical difficulties in measuring foreign investment



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