1st Report on the quality of life in Sardinia (1993)
This report represents a first attempt to interpret the quality of life in Sardinia through the immediate and direct perspective of the citizen. The methodological choice of the survey was to avoid first questioning the quantitative data from official sources and only then turning our attention to the considerations of social actors. The underlying assumption is that the level of quality of life cannot be deduced from a set of quantitative data alone because they are already, in many ways, the consequence of prior assumptions. Throughout these pages, Sardinia has been the subject of careful observation, which has touched on countless moments in the daily lives of individuals and their relationships. The reading of the data collected, recomposed following reasoned paths aimed at exalting oppositions rather than uniformities, has returned all the problems present in Sardinian society, but with new and unprecedented folds, and has shown a suffered social evolution, contradictory and at the same time rich in original elements and innovative ferments. The multiplicity of themes addressed makes this work an operational tool for the outputs of the sphere of values and emotions, in economic attitudes and expectations, in the concrete daily life behaviours, in the relationship with politics and the mass media, in cultural expressions, in the hope and expectations aroused by new promises of development, in the desire to seek unused balances and further ethical references.
A two-faced society
Lessons to be learned for today
The deficit of <
Double obsolescence and double constraint
The need for a new planning approach
A society in search of itself
Reality and its double or the portrait of Dorian Grey
Common feeling
Between saying and doing…
A new Sardinian culture
Unexpected guests
Sardus pater… sarda mater
The ideal fall
The paths of development
Third sector or post-industrialisation?
The future of tourism
The culture of development
The development of culture
Living in the city/living in the province
Home, sweet home…
Condemned to TV
Cinema and theatre
But sleep…
The fatigue of everyday life
Insufficient services
Long waits
Municipal services
Consensus and power
Where the league is missing
Reflux and participation
The Gutenberg bells
Sense and dissent
Social climate
The promised land
Facelessness and lawlessness
In search of values
The myth of the “baleful” collapses
Towards a new diaspora
Giovanni Melis, Arturo Tornar
Radhouan Ben Amara, Giampiero Farru
Giuseppe Fois, Franco Rais
Remo Berardi, Andreano Madeddu, Franco Tassi
Ezio Mereu, Giuliano Murgia, Antonio Uda
The champion