The incorrigible, the profiteer, the adaptable, the committed, the cathartic: the Italian vote and the five kinds of Italy of Mani pulite (1994)
The burning turning point of « Mani pulite » (Clean Hands) entered the collective consciousness in a very varied way and has brought about an extremely articulated change in the customs and mentality of Italians. In particular, five major types of civil behaviour can be identified, emblematised in as many figures: the incorrigible, the profiteer, the adaptable, the committed and the cathartic.
These typologies identify categories of social action only as the sum of individual behaviour. Moreover, one of the trends underway indicates the emptiness of collective movements and the absence of existential and socially shared projects. Therefore, this survey aims to analyse the spectrum of opinions and motivations to vote based on different ways of experiencing “Mani pulite” phenomenon.
Chapter 1
The incorrigible
Chapter 2
The profiteer
Chapter 3
The adaptable
Chapter 4
The committed
Chapter 5
The cathartic
Final remarks