Gay Pride: pride and prejudice 2009

The first report on the gay population in Italy was published by Eurispes in 1989. Even today, the survey carried out thanks to the analysis of the answers provided by 2,044 homosexuals remains a reference point in dealing with the problems linked to this specific world. Eurispes has developed this research path over the years through studies, continuous monitoring of the evolution of the phenomenon and periodic sample surveys, aware that, the ‘homosexual question’ is still an open issue to date, and not only in Italy, but also at an international level. In the 2009 edition of the Italy Report, Eurispes carried out a survey to ascertain the opinions and attitudes of Italians towards homosexuality. The survey was carried out across the Country on a sample of 1,118 citizens representative of the Italian population.
A recent survey published by the European Agency for Fundamental Rights shows that a growing number of homosexuals are “victims of discrimination, intimidation and harassment, sometimes even physical aggression”. It is difficult not to identify precise political responsibilities for this situation among the various States, which too often fail to promote positive actions to fight homophobia, with clear statements, communication campaigns and legislative measures.




Homosexual parenthood

Media representation of homosexuality

The Eurispes survey


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Summary Document

Italians’ opinions and attitudes towards homosexuality

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