Giovanni Tartaglia Polcini
He has been Public Prosecutor from 1996 for almost 20 years in the district of the Court of Appeal of Naples. In October 2014, he became Legal Advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
He is currently acting as coordinator of international anti-corruption activities.
President of the G20 Anti-Corruption in 2021, where he is head of the Italian delegation, he is also an anti-corruption delegate to the OECD Thematic Working Group since 2015 and an expert and delegate for the United Nations Anti-Corruption Convention (UNCAC) since 2016.
Coordinator for Italy and the International Italo-Latin American Organisation (IILA) for several Italian and European technical assistance programmes (ex multis, EL PAcCTO, EUROFRONT, COPOLAD 3, FALCONE BORSELLINO), he has carried out missions in more than 30 countries and launched with the diplomatic officers of the Directorate-General for Globalisation and Global Issues a new initiative called “legal diplomacy”. He has contributed to the development of global legal thinking, by providing theoretical insights into the methodology used in the most important multilateral initiatives in the field.
He is a member of the Eurispes Scientific Committee and Observatory on Security and Deputy President of the Permanent Observatory on International Issues. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Diplomatic Academy. He is in charge of the Anti-Corruption Observatory of the Administrative Gazette of the Italian Republic and of the International Observatory of the Journal 231 on the responsibility of entities.
He is an anti-corruption lecturer at the National School of Administration of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and teaches at the Training Schools for Magistrates and Law Enforcement Officials.
He is internationally renowned as one of the leading experts in the fight against organised crime, corruption, prison law and the prevention of and fight against money laundering.
As a promoter of the culture of legality, research and the need for maximum inter-institutional cooperation, while remaining in the judiciary role, from 2005 to 2008 he provided technical support to the government (Ministry of the Interior) for the training of law enforcement agencies in the fight against money laundering, to enhance the institution of confiscation and management of confiscated assets and to develop techniques to combat drug trafficking, drafting projects within the framework of the PON for Security and Development in Southern Italy.
As Legal Advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, he works both at the national and international level, as well as at the multilateral level, to promote the harmonisation of legal systems and for technical assistance in justice and security matters, within the framework of the United Nations, with UNODC, in the working groups of the G7 and G20 fora, in the EU and its institutions, with the Organisation of American States (OAS), the Central American Integration System (SICA) and MERCOSUR, the Forum of Presidents of Latin American Parliaments (FOPREL) and the Central American Court of Justice.
He is scientifically responsible for the European and Italian international technical assistance programmes called:
- Plan de Apoyo all’ESCA (Italian security strategy in Central America);
- EL PAcCTO for the fight against transnational organised crime;
- EUROFRONT for strengthening land border security on the Latin American continent;
- COPOLAD III, for combating international drug trafficking between Europe and Latin America;
- Falcone-Borsellino, for the fight against transnational organised crime and corruption in Latin America and the Caribbean Region.
Since 2021, he has been the scientific coordinator of all Justice and Security programmes at the International Italo-Latin American Organisation (IILA).
He was the coordinator of the task force of Italian institutions for the G20 Anti-Corruption Group Presidency for the years 2020 and 2021.
He is a member of the United Nations Task Force on Measuring Corruption.
He was a member of the Kosovo Justice Reform Working Group in 2020.
He is the leader for Italy of the Team Europe Initiative on Justice and Security.
He is Co-Director of the scientific journal “Il Diritto penale della Globalizzazione”.
He is the author of numerous articles in national and international legal journals (International Journal of Social Quality, Longitude, LIMES, GNOSIS, Guida al diritto, Il Merito, Rivista231, Gazzetta amministrativa della Repubblica italiana).