Self-Regulation Code for the communication and sale of combustion-free products – Press Conference

Tuesday 28 June 2022, at 11.30 a.m., at Sala Convegni “Gianfranco Imperatori”
of the Civita Association in Rome (Piazza Venezia, 11)
the Eurispes Institute will be presenting to the Press the
Code of self-regulation for the communication and sale of products without combustion
The presentation will be opened by the President of Eurispes, Gian Maria Fara, and the President of the Scientific Committee of the Institute, Alberto Mattiacci.
The Code will be illustrated by Raffaella Saso and Alberto Baldazzi, coordinators of the paper’s drafting activities.
Speakers will include:
Angelo Piazza, Professor of Private Law, University of Rome 4
Alfonso Celotto, Professor of Constitutional Law, Department of Law, University of Roma Tre
Stefano Toschei, Councillor of the Council of State
Mario Antonelli, National President FIT – Italian Tobacconists Federation
Laura Galli, Adiconsum consultant
The Self-Regulatory Code drafted by Eurispes is the result of more than two years of work that involved numerous multidisciplinary experts and is structured around the need to outline a series of principles and rules to which the commercial advertising and sale of non-combustion products alternative to traditional cigarettes (electronic cigarettes; products and liquids for inhalation without combustion, with or without nicotine; tobacco for inhalation without combustion) must be oriented.
The aim of the Code is to promote the right to accurate and transparent information for adult smokers about such products and to prevent such content from being specifically attractive to minors, non-smokers, or those who have never used nicotine products, as well as to those who have given up the use of tobacco or other nicotine-containing products altogether.
The Code, which is voluntary and open to future adherence, has been signed, to date, by Anafe-Confindustria, Federazione Italiana Tabaccai – FIT, Logista, and Philip Morris. Italy.
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