Eurispes will host the 2022 meeting of the European Network on Regional Labour Market Monitoring ENRLMM in Sardinia

On September 17, 2020, with the speeches of Sen. Stanislao Di Piazza, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, and Prof. Gian Maria Fara, President of Eurispes, the annual meeting of the European Network on Labour Market Monitoring – ENRLMM, dedicated to the theme “The importance of small and medium-sized enterprises as innovators of inclusive and sustainable employment in times of pandemic crisis and beyond”, opened in video-conference.
The video-conference, which was held in lieu of the International Conference scheduled to take place in Tempio Pausania, Sardinia, at the regional headquarters of Eurispes, and postponed, due to the pandemic crisis, to 2022, brings together the analyses and contributions of proposals elaborated within the framework of the most important European Network on Regional Labour Markets.
This important organisation, founded in 2007, and coordinated by the German IWAK Institute of the University of Frankfurt, consists of around 450 academics, representatives of national and regional authorities, and some 220 regional labour market observatories.
Eurispes has been a founder and member of the Network since 2007 and its Secretary General, Prof. Marco Ricceri, chairs its Scientific Committee.
The video conference was an opportunity for the President of Eurispes, Prof. Gian Maria Fara, to emphasise, during his speech, the serious emergency that the pandemic crisis has generated in our countries, in Europe and in the world. A crisis destined to cause structural changes in the way of life and work.
A crisis, however, that also constitutes a great challenge for everyone to identify new development scenarios, to demonstrate the capacity to know how to build and live them appropriately.
The European Union, despite all its internal difficulties and limitations, has so far shown that it is capable of moving in this direction by setting very precise goals. On the one hand, in fact, with the approval of the Recovery Fund and the other emergency measures, it has demonstrated its ability to intervene on the most immediate effects of the crisis; on the other hand, and this is, in Prof. Fara’s opinion, the most important element, it has specified the terms of a strategy for overcoming the crisis, for change and progress that should lead our systems to a qualitative leap in the dynamics of development and progression.
The President of Eurispes concluded his articulate speech by reiterating the Institute’s commitment to work, in the future, by providing an active contribution to the further strengthening of the European Network; and it is in this perspective that he extended an invitation to all participants to come to Sardinia, to Tempio Pausania, for the annual meeting in 2022.