Eurispes’ Secretary-General at the International Multidisciplinary Conference: “The rise of Asia”.

Eurispes at the International Multidisciplinary Conference:
“The rise of Asia”.
Paris – Le Havre, 9-11 February 2022


Eurispes participates in the international and multidisciplinary conference “The rise of Asia. Major Changes for a Post Covid-19 Global Future” to be held on 9-11 February 2022 at the Sorbonne University of Paris and the University of Le Havre.

On this occasion, Eurispes’ Secretary-General, Prof. Marco Ricceri, will chair the Opening Session at the Sorbonne University dedicated to the main changes caused by the pandemic in Europe and in the Eurasian reality (9 February) and, on the following days (10-11 February), at the University of Le Havre, together with Prof. Yin Zhiguang (China), the three Sessions (n. 11-14-15) dedicated to deepening new strategies, internal and external, promoted by the BRICS international coordination under the presidency of India during 2021. On this occasion, Eurispes will present a report focused on the challenges posed by the development of the digital economy, in their positive and negative aspects, on the comparison of the systems of incentives and regulation promoted by the BRICS and G20 coordination in the year of the Italian Presidency, on the outlines of the Digital Codes of Ethics recommended by international institutions such as UNESCO and in part already adopted as law by some States worldwide: Canada, Russian Federation, United States. In particular, the report will illustrate the path started towards this goal by the EU with the presentation of the “Artificial Intelligence Act – AIA” (21 April 2021).

The Conference offers an international platform for discussion to experts in the most diverse scientific disciplines, practitioners, and civil society representatives. Organised in General Sessions and 12 parallel Thematic Sessions, it features some 140 active speakers from 50 countries, from Japan in the East to Canada in the West, South Africa in the South and Sweden in the North.

The general objective of the Conference, promoted annually in France, is to examine the transformation processes underway in the complex Asian context and assess their implications for the rest of the world, including the EU and Italy. It is particularly important for the Italian reality to identify those elements that can help our country to live in a positive way the new scenarios that are emerging at the global level. To this end, the opportunity offered by the Conference, which promotes the exchange of knowledge through interdisciplinary research and studies and the organisation of international networks between institutes and analysis centres, is worthwhile.

Eurispes’ active participation in this important international initiative has matured on the basis of the collaborative relationships built in recent years with Prof. Darwis Khudori, from the University of Le Havre, promoter of the initiative, who in 2019 joined Eurispes’ Scientific Committee. As a sign of mutual cooperation, the Eurispes’ Secretary-General became a permanent member of the Scientific Board of the International Conference.

The programme and documentation of the Conference are available online at:


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