Eurispes participates in the conference “The «sanctioning» effect of prevention measures. Safeguards and guarantees for businesses”, by the Criminal Procedural Law Commission of the Rome Bar Association

Introducing the meeting are the President of the Council of the Bar of Rome, Lawyer Paolo Nesta, and the Vice President of the COA Rome and Coordinator of the Criminal Law Commission, Lawyer Irma Conti.
Speakers include the Public Prosecutor at the Court of Tivoli – Member of the ANBSC Board of Directors, Francesco Menditto, the President of CNA – PMI Lazio, Erino Colombi, the Vice President of the Criminal Chamber of Rome, Avv. Giuseppe Belcastro, Stefano Balestrieri, Chartered Accountant – Professor of International and EU Tax Law at the University of Maastricht, Carlo Ravazzin, Chartered Accountant – Contract Lecturer in Business Economics SNA Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Lawyer Gianluca Tognozzi of the Rome Bar and Lawyer Emilio Nicola Buccico of the Matera Bar.
The proceedings will conclude with a speech by Rome Bar Association Councilor and Coordinator of the Criminal Procedural Law Commission Lawyer Vincenzo Comi.
The moderation of the meeting is by Lawyer Clara Veneto, Councilor of the Rome Bar Association Coordinator of the Criminal Procedural Law Commission.