The “Code of Self-Regulation for the Communication and Sale of Combustion-free Products” is a document, promoted by the Eurispes Institute and drawn up by a panel of authoritative experts in communication, law and science, which contains a set of rules and principles – in addition to those laid down by law. The Code stems from the need to provide correct information on innovative combustion-free products through a system of responsible business practices, while protecting minors and non-smokers.

«In June 2022, our Institute presented the “Self-Regulation Code for the Communication and Sale of Combustion-free Products” drawn up by a working table of experts and lawyers coordinated by Eurispes.

Our code is designed, firstly, to give indications for the development of correct information on this type of product. On the other hand, it aims at ethical and transparent behaviour of producers. Indeed, the document urges operators to reflect on and deepen the ways in which they present themselves to consumers.

The code also has a broader meaning and is part of our idea, namely to work through an information campaign on harm reduction».

Gian Maria Fara – Eurispes Institute President

The Self-Regulation Code for the Communication and Sale of Combustion-free Products has the following objectives:




Information law

Consumer protection

Juvenile protection

*The experts who participated in the Working Table were:

Prof. Antonio Catricalà, Lecturer in Consumer Law at LUISS Guido Carli (deceased in February 2021) • Prof. Alberto Mattiacci, Lecturer in Economics and Business Management at the Sapienza University of Rome and President of the Scientific Committee of Eurispes • Prof. Gianni Riotta, Director of the Data Lab at LUISS Guido Carli • Prof. Francesco Cognetti, Director of the Department of Medical Oncology of the Regina Elena National Tumor Institute • Prof. Fabio Beatrice, former Director of the Anti-Smoking Centre in Turin • Dr. Damiano Parretti, Italian Society of General Medicine • Dr. Laura Galli, Adiconsum.

The Code remains open for signature by all operators in the sector. To date, it has been signed by the Italian Tobacconists Federation (FIT), Anafe-Confindustria, UNIEgic – Unione Esercenti Italiani E-cig, Logista and Philip Morris Italia.


Read more in the press release presenting the Code by clicking here


*For the purposes of its start-up, this initiative also received an initial, non-binding contribution from Philip Morris Italy.

«As a member of the Code Evaluation Committee created by the Table coordinated by Eurispes, which was joined by some of the most important players in the sector, the role entrusted to me is to ensure that the points signed by the various signatories are observed.

Indeed, compliance with the rules by all those involved in the topics of the Code is at the heart of this initiative. Even though there are specific regulations in place, it is important for companies and their representatives to make a personal contribution to ensure that the new smokeless products do not act as a vehicle for the young and non-smokers to smoke».

Prof. Angelo Piazza
Professor at the University of Rome 4 Foro Italico and member of the Code Evaluation Committee

«Providing qualified information and as much transparency as possible in a highly evolving sector like the new combustion-free products is an imperative today.

We know that the consumer needs to be supported and protected and that the supply chain must be guaranteed, but we also know that information must be transparent. The Self-Regulatory Code to which some of the main players in the sector have voluntarily adhered responds to all this, that is, guaranteeing the quality of new-generation products, ensuring the supply chain a transparent way of accessing the market».

Prof. Alfonso Celotto
Full Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Roma Tre and member of the Code Evaluation Committee


«Research that the Eurispes Institute has been rigorously conducting for many years now shows that there is a growing demand from smokers and adult consumers for information on innovative smokeless products.

Philip Morris Italia is at the forefront in promoting responsible disclosure of information on these products, because the goal of achieving a smoke-free future also depends on the possibility of access to clear, correct and transparent information. At the same time, it is essential that such content is not directed at minors and non-smokers, as it is an absolute priority for us to prevent minors from accessing products containing tobacco or nicotine, as well as devices for their consumption.

This is why we are proud to have adhered to the Self-Regulatory Code on the communication and sale of smokeless products promoted by the Institute, which, through a system of rules and principles drawn up by experts of the highest profile, guarantees the right of adult smokers and adult consumers to be adequately informed and thus to make an informed choice but, at the same time, protects minors and non-smokers, the cornerstone of this initiative».

Marco Hannappel
President and CEO, Philip Morris Italy

«The Federazione Italiana Tabaccai (Italian Tobacconists Federation), as the most representative association of retailers of monopoly goods, has been promoting social responsibility initiatives for responsible access to tobacco products since the 1990s, with particular attention to the protection of minors.

The changes taking place in our sector with the arrival of smokeless products require increasing attention to communication dynamics so that the necessary information on them does not overlap with promotion. We share the objectives of the Code, to whose drafting we have contributed so that they increasingly become distinctive elements of our network».

Mario Antonelli
National President Italian Tobacconists Federation

«As ANAFE, we are proud to have joined the Code and to have been able to contribute to the preparatory work with other stakeholders from the very beginning. By adhering to the Code, we once again confirm our full commitment to the promotion of legality and the protection of all consumers, as well as minors and non-smokers.

We have always been convinced that accurate and adequate information is necessary to ensure that adult smokers are fully aware of their choices in terms of behaviour and habits in relation to the new generation of smokeless products. The commitments we have decided to make by signing the Code go in this direction and we hope that they will be more widely shared in the future».

Umberto Roccatti
Anafe President

«The definition of shared methods for the marketing and communication of combustion-free products, in order to clearly present their characteristics and methods of use, is fundamental to guarantee an informed choice to adult consumers.

Logista Italia has not hesitated to take part in the working group that led to the drafting – and signing – of the Self-Regulation Code for the communication and sale of combustion-free products, confirming itself as a guardian, not only of legality, but also of neutrality for the entire supply chain.

Stopping the spread of inappropriate communication content and promoting ethically correct behaviour are objectives to which we are sure we can make a contribution, as they are intrinsically part of our vision of business».

Federico Rella
Vice President and Corporate Affairs Director, Logista Italy

«As UNIEcig we are proud to have been able to actively contribute to the development of the Code and to see its realisation fills us with satisfaction.

We believe that in order to achieve such an important goal as a future generation free from combusted tobacco, it is essential to provide correct, clear and transparent information as well as to ensure the protection of minors and non-smokers.

UNIEcig has always supported the importance and centrality of neighbourhood shops as fundamental information points for smokers who want to switch to new generation products without combustion.

We believe that subscribing to the Code and sharing its principles at points of sale will give consumers an additional opportunity to access correct and transparent content».

Antonella Panuzzo
UNIEcig President

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