Supply chain, sustainability, risks and transformation. The Coordinator of the Eurispes Laboratory on Sustainability, Fabrizio Zucca, will take part in the conference

On Thursday 24 November from 2.30 p.m. to 6 p.m., at the Enterprise Hotel (Corso Sempione 91) in Milan, there will be a meeting entitled ‘Supply chain today: sustainability, risks and transformation‘. The meeting will be chaired by Fabrizio Zucca, Coordinator of the Eurispes Laboratory on Sustainability and member of the Institute’s Scientific Committee.

Speakers will include Alessio Ronchini, PM Supply Chain Finance Observatory, Fabio Fritelli, CFO of Maire Tecnimont Group, Alda Paola Baldi, Head of Procurement of Enel Italia, Francesco Sacchi, CEO and Founder of TXT Working Capital Solutions, Carmen Carulli, Head of Procurement of L’Oréal Italia, Bastiaan Van Elst, Head of Finance Engie Italia, Ada Rosa Balzan, CEO and Founder of ARB S.B.P.A. (download the programme of the meeting).


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