Conference ‘Size and evolution of the non-hotel sector in Sardinia’

On Saturday, 25 January 2025, at 10.30 a.m., at the Council Chamber of the Municipality of SanTeodoro (Via Grazia Deledda,15), a conference will be held on ‘Dimensione ed evoluzione, nel 2024, del comparto extralberghiero in Sardegna’.
Gerolamo Balata, Secretary General and Director of Eurispes Sardegna, will open the proceedings.
This will be followed by greetings from Rita Deretta, Mayor of San Teodoro and reports from Carlo Marcetti, Professor and Scientific Coordinator of Eurispes Sardegna and Maurizio Battelli, President of the Extra Association.
Carla Medau, Head of Cabinet of the Department of Tourism, Crafts and Trade of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, will also take part.
The conclusions are entrusted to Giuseppe Meloni, Vice-President and Councillor for Planning, Budget, Credit and Regional Planning of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia.