Second Intercultural Forum of the Islands of Europe. Eurispes among the sponsoring bodies

Today and tomorrow the II Intercultural Forum of the Islands of Europe: “Challenges and Opportunities” is being held in Cagliari. Eurispes is among the sponsoring bodies of the initiative and will participate with a speech by Prof. Aldo Berlinguer, President of the Eurispes Observatory on Insularity and Internal Areas.
The event, promoted by Eurinsula in collaboration with the University of Cagliari and the Consular Corps of Sardinia, together with Amraa (Azores), Fecam (Canary Islands), Communauté de Communes Du Sud Corse, the Municipality of Chania (Crete) and Naxxar (Malta), will see the partnership of six countries representing around thirty European islands that are part of the Islas del Mar Project network.
The main objective of the event is to network and promote the cultural values of the Atlantic and Mediterranean islands, the islands of Europe.
The Intercultural Forum of the Islands of Europe is an event to promote and connect island territories through tourism as a cultural vehicle, with the aim of raising awareness and promoting island culture.
It will bring together politicians, European experts who will analyse the challenges faced by island economies, universities, students, researchers and others interested in the ongoing transformation, promotion and intercultural development of islands.
The Forum will be structured around the following main themes:
– Internationalisation and cooperation policies for cultural and territorial promotion, good practices to foster social integration and island identity.
– Transport and Insularity: new models of territorial continuity.
– Innovative models of sustainable tourism.
– Insular regional policies.
– Sustainable economy.
– Culture and insular identity.