Prime time united against “anti-science” movement. Report of the Eurispes TV News Observatory – CoRiS Sapienza

Covid’s Fourth wave, 10,000 infections a day

TV News from 15 to 19 November – The spread of the fourth wave continues to occupy the editions of the prime-time TV News, with as many as 27 openings during the week. With the alarming increase in the number of contagions, which reach 10,000 daily in Italy, the information focuses on the scenarios of the various regions and the vaccination campaign, hoping that the Country will not have to spend another Christmas locked down. High for all the appeals of President Sergio Mattarella, who invites to engage in battle against the “anti-science” approach of the no vax people on Friday. Spaces also for the voice of Governors and experts, with Tg5 interviewing the Director of Rome’s Spallanzani, Francesco Vaia, on Friday.


Focus on closures in Austria and Germany

In partial mitigation of the emerging concerns, some newspapers point out that deaths have been greatly reduced in comparison with the spring scenario and that the situation in intensive care units remains manageable. On Tuesday, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) press release reinforces this interpretation, talking about 12,000 victims prevented thanks to vaccines. The most worrying is the international scenario, with a new record of contagions reached in Germany and Austria back to lockdown from Monday. In the Mediaset newspapers, the pressures of industrial circles for compulsory vaccination are given space, while several administrations are pushing for further containment measures, especially in the regions that risk going back to “yellow”.


Renzi-Conte clash, the IV leader reclaims the stage

There was little space for politics, with the discussion of the manoeuvre only two openings (Tg4 and Tg La7). However, there was space for the divisions in the political majority in the reports, with Italia Viva voting together with the right-wing on some measures, distancing itself from the executive line and giving rise to new scenarios given the race for Quirinal. In addition, the long-distance clash between Renzi and Conte (headline on Monday for Tg La7), fought in the face of judicial events (“Open” case and the Venezuelan funding affair), and that during the week produces a net gain in terms of visibility for the leader of Italia Viva, mentioned 14 times in the headlines and interviewed on Friday by Tg2. Critical attention was paid to the Movement by Tg4, which, for two days, dedicated its opening to the investigation into the black funds from Caracas, as was also reported by Tg La7 on Friday. In addition, the Mediaset Tg’s attention to the Capital’s difficulties, governed by the new mayor Gualtieri, remains high; the incentive given to Ama employees to work “more” during the Christmas holidays is criticised, as Piero Sansonetti in a Tg5 editorial speaks of a “reward for absenteeism”, and then lists the structural deficiencies of the municipality company.


Refugees, decreasing interest in the Polish border. The voice of migrants on Studio Aperto and Tg3

The dramatic situation on the Polish border, where frost has caused several victims, including a one-year-old child, is only half of the news in the evening, and there are fewer references in the headlines: just eight mentions, despite calls from Prime Minister Mario Draghi and President Sergio Mattarella. The testimonies collected on Friday by Studio Aperto’s correspondent were very touching. The Italy-Spain summit on immigration from the Mediterranean did not help to spotlight the landings, which appeared only a couple of times in the headlines. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Tg3 news reports the testimonies of a Congolese migrant who settled in Italy a long time ago and an activist on board an NGO ship who denounced the death of 10 refugees on a boat with indifference of the Libyan Coast Guard.


Massacre in Sassuolo: the need to denounce

More space on the news for new women’s murder cases, in which the Sassuolo massacre stands out (8 mentions); on Thursday, Tg La7 sadly reports how, despite death threats, the victim had never denounced her future executioner. Face to this tragedy, in which a man killed his wife, mother-in-law and two children before committing suicide, Tg3 features a reflection by writer Maria Grazia Calandrone.


Italy in the world

Italy’s failure to qualify directly for the World Cup in Qatar, which imposes a problematic play-off for the European national champions next spring, has led to doubts and questions about the conduct of coach Mancini. On the other hand, there was great satisfaction on the music scene, with several newspapers reporting on Måneskin’s further international success.

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