Presentation of the Observatory on Banking, Finance, Insurance and the Banks NPL and Corporate Restructuring project
11 June 2021 3.30 p.m. – 5.30 p.m.
Greetings and opening remarks
Gian Maria Fara, President of Eurispes
Claudia Bugno, Eurispes delegate councilor for the development of the Observatory
Luciano Panzani, President of the Eurispes Observatory on Banking, Finance and Insurance (OBAF), former President of the Rome Court of Appeal
Simona Carosso, Secretary General of the Eurispes Observatory on Banking, Finance, Insurance (OBAF)
Banks and insurances between macroeconomic problems, incentive objectives, protection of the weak contracting party and crisis of justice. The reasons for the institution of the OBAF Observatory and the project Banks, NPLs and Corporate Restructuring.
Insights by:
Marcello Messori, Senior Fellow at the Luiss School of European Political Economy
The NPL phenomenon: the 2015 scenario and the new post-pandemic scenario
Lorenzo Stanghellini, Professor of Commercial Law, University of Florence
NPLs and restructuring of companies in crisis: the relationship between banks, companies and assignees – New renegotiation tools
The conclusions are entrusted to:
Pier Carlo Padoan, President of Unicredit
Reducing the risks associated with impaired loans (NPLs) in the post-pandemic scenario: the prospects for Italian banks in the light of new regulatory challenges
The meeting will be broadcast live on Eurispes Youtube channel and on Social networks.