Labour exploitation emerging processes: a meeting by Marco Omizzolo, Eurispes researcher

A meeting will be held on Sunday, 30 October 2022, from 10.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m., at the agro-ecological farm l’Orto Conviviale in via Masseria Macedonia, 16, Sant’Anastasia (Naples), on the subject of ” In the name of justice: labour exploitation emerging processes” by Marco Omizzolo, sociologist, professor and researcher at Eurispes.

The event is organised within the framework of the Impact Campania project financed by the “Asylum, Migration, Integration Fund” and implemented by the Campania Region together with a broad partnership of institutional bodies and the third sector: Anci Campania, Cantiere Giovani Cooperativa Sociale, CIDIS Onlus, Consorzio La Rada, Cooperativa Sociale Credito Senza Confini, Dedalus Cooperativa Sociale, Less Impresa Sociale, LTM – Gruppo Laici Terzo Mondo, Per Aspera ad Astra Cooperativa Sociale Onlus, Tertium Millennium Società Cooperativa Sociale, Traparentesi Onlus.

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