Conference on “Sustainability, supply chain and artificial intelligence”. Eurispes sponsors the event

On Friday March 31st, starting at 9.30 a.m., at Bersi Serlini Franciacorta in Provaglio di Iseo, Brescia province, the event “Sustainability, supply chain and artificial intelligence”, sponsored by Eurispes, will take place.
The initial greetings and introduction of the proceedings will be given by the CEO of Sesvil srl, Massimiliano Bergomi, while Massimiliano Del Barba, journalist for Corriere della Sera, will moderate the debate.
The meeting will be attended by: Prof. Fabrizio Zucca, President of SSC and Coordinator of the Eurispes Laboratory on Sustainability, with a speech entitled “Sustainability, the evolution of the regulatory framework and implications on companies’ business models”; Gabriele Casadei, of Lewitt Associati srl, will address the topic “Sustainability: Implications on purchasing strategies”; Andrea Gilberti, President and CEO Matchplat srl, will take part with a speech on “Supplier research: when Artificial Intelligence supports human intelligence”; Maurizio Quarta, will speak on “Temporary Management to guide a strategic sustainability project” while Rosanna Gallo, CEO EU-tropia srl, will address the topic of “Sustainability at Work”.
A round table discussion, moderated by Mario Mazzoleni, Professor of Business Economics at the University of Brescia, will follow, with the participation of: Paola Beschi, People Manager Regesta SpA, Giovanna Franceschetti, Vice-President Gefran SpA with responsibility for Sustainability, Raffaella Bianchi, Chief Human Capital Officer Streparava SpA, Roberto Zini, President Farcogroup and Vice-President Confindustria Brescia with responsibility for Industrial Relations and Welfare.