19th Annual Meeting of the ‘European Network on Regional Labour Market Monitoring – ENRLMM’, Eurispes among promoters

19th Annual Meeting of the ‘European Network on Regional Labour Market Monitoring – ENRLMM’, concluded by the Secretary General of Eurispes, Marco Ricceri.

The meeting, promoted in collaboration with the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) of Switzerland, the University of Italian Switzerland (USI), the patronage of the OECD-Leed Programme, is open to the participation of experts and operators active in Agencies, Public Services and Labour Market Observatories.

The meeting, which will take place on 5 and 6 September 2024 in Lugano, at the Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI), focuses on the theme: ‘Labour and skills shortages: insights and evidence for developing relevant strategies for regional and local labour markets and labour market observatories’.

The conference offers an important opportunity for a broad European comparison between experts and practitioners on one of the main problems currently open in the labour market: the shortage of adequate labour and skills in many productive sectors and regional realities; to examine the policies and plans implemented in the territories, their effectiveness, the results achieved; to provide elements for the definition of valid strategies.

Established in 2007 on the initiative of the IWAK Institute of the German ‘W.Goethe’ University of Frankfurt a.M., the ‘European Network on Regional Labour Market Monitoring – EN RLMM’ is currently one of the largest European coordination structures with more than 400 expert members from the university and research worlds, sector operators, representatives of public services and labour observatories, including Eurispes. Its purpose is to promote the comparison on the evolutionary processes taking place in the regional and local labour markets, to disseminate common methods of analysis and research, to foster the connection between the service structures of the various countries.


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