On Thursday 27th January 2022 at 9.30 a.m. the presentation of the Permanent Observatory on Educational Policies of Eurispes took place in webinar mode.
Thursday 27 January 2021
Understanding a phenomenon requires first of all a reliable qualitative and quantitative measurement. Properly understanding a criminal phenomenon allows to better calibrate the system of prevention and repression.
Under the Italian G20 Presidency, the Compendium of Good Practices on the Measurement of Corruption, which aims to bring together detection and measurement techniques suitable for combating corruption, was officially adopted.
Other indicators have been proposed at the international level, both by leading international non-governmental organizations (Transparency International) and by qualified actors in the business sector (Global Risk Profile).
The national institutions most committed to the prevention of corruption and its measurement (ANAC and ISTAT) continue their unceasing work of analysis and proposals, which are worthy of all attention and in-depth study.
Eurispes, on the strength of its many years of experience in the field, which began with an important research project that opened the international and multilateral debate on the measurement of corruption, considers it appropriate to promote a multi-stakeholder debate on the subject.
The event, in webinar format, was held on the Zoom platform and broadcast on Eurispes Institute’s social channels.
The conference was introduced by the President of Eurispes, Gian Maria Fara. This was followed by a panel discussion attended by:
Nikolas Giannakopoulos, President of the Scientific Committee Global Risk Profile – Grp Italia srl, Mario Carlo Ferrario, Vice President Transparency International – Italy , Giovanni Tartaglia Polcini, Magistrate, MAECI Legal Advisor and member of the Scientific Committee of Eurispes, Maria Giuseppina Muratore, First Researcher Istat.
The concluding remarks will be addressed by the President of Anac, Giuseppe Busia.
The meeting will be moderated by Paolo Mazzanti, Editorial Director of Askanews news agency.