Survey on the condition of children and adolescents in Italy (2012)

The National Survey on the Condition of Childhood and Adolescence, conducted by Eurispes and Telefono Azzurro, is now in its thirteenth edition and provides a snapshot of the attitudes, ideas and behaviour of children and adolescents, identifying the changes that have taken place over the last year and capturing the most recent trends affecting young Italians.
The survey focused on the themes of media and new technologies, school and risk behaviour. Of particular interest among the phenomena addressed in the survey were sexting, violence within young couples, running away from home, online gambling and the impact of the economic crisis.
The Identikit of Children and Teenagers is based on the answers given by 1,100 children aged between 7 and 11 and 1,523 young people aged between 12 and 18. The survey, carried out thanks to the contribution of schools throughout Italy, involved 23 schools of all levels.


Survey on the Condition of Childhood and Adolescence in Italy 2012


Children of Today. (Fragile) Citizens of Tomorrow
by Ernesto Caffo, President of SoS Il Telefono Azzurro Onlus and Gian Maria Fara, President of Eurispes

Methodological notes

Identikit of the Child
The economic crisis in children’s experience
Mobile phone
Adults and new technologies
School and new media

Identikit of the Teenager
The economic crisis in the experience of adolescents
Media, mobile phones and Internet
Adults and technologies
School and technologies
Running away from home

File Indice

Summary Document

Children of today. (Fragile) citizens of tomorrow

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