Reading tips | The Eurispes Observatory on International Issues – March 2021/2
- Roger Boyes, “Boris Johnson’s Brexit Britain is following America’s footsteps”, The Times: The government’s defence and foreign policy review makes it clear that we’re playing second fiddle to the USA.
- Mark Nahhan, Why leaving Afghanistan is so difficult, The New York Times: The foreign policy establishment just can’t admit when it got things wrong.
- Harry Dempsey e Peter Campbell, A creaking global economy di David Pilling, Kana Inagaki, Financial Times: Stuck container ship symbolises the problems many supply chains are facing after a year-long pandemic.
- Edward Luce, The puzzle of a “middle class foreign policy”, Financial Times: There is a striking gulf between his cautious approach abroad and radical domestic agenda.
- Thomas L. Freedman, China doesn’t respect us anymore – for good reason The New York Times: We have stopped following our formula for success.
- Michel De Grandi, En Asie, le sentiment antichinois ne cesse de gagner du terrain, Les Echos: Si elle ne change pas de cap, la Chine va faire face à une sinophobie grandissante dans le monde. A l’image de la Birmanie récemment, les mouvements contre les intérêts chinois risquent de se multiplier. Une partie de la jeunesse d’Asie du Sud-Est est mobilisée sur les réseaux sociaux et participe, à sa façon, à la montée en puissance de ce front.