Prime time tribute to Raffaella. Renzi and Conte “stand out” in the set lists. Eurispes TV News Observatory – CoRiS Sapienza

Raffaella: the prime time tribute to the queen of TV. Ddl Zan and Justice, Renzi and Conte “soar” in the rundowns. Contagions: alarms arrive from airports. Excitement for the London finals.
The News from 5 to 9 July – The week of information opens with the tribute of prime time to Raffaella Carrà, who died at 78 years old: the first headline, Monday, for all, with openings in the following days for Studio Aperto (in 3 editions), Tg1, Tg2 and Tg5, which Friday devotes the cover to the funeral of the diva. The farewell to the “queen of television”, a multifaceted artist who for decades represented “the best side of Italy”, the heroine of emancipation and inclusion, is supported in all editions of services and touching testimonies. The Mediaset TV News is heavily involved, with several interviews with other TV “greats”, who tell how the transformations of our society have progressed with Raffaela.
The controversy over the Zan bill, with the backward step of Italia Viva that shakes up the cards in the political majority, is a central topic in the first half of the week, with 13 headlines and openings for Tg3 and Tg La7 – which on Wednesday announces the “pitched battle” expected with the arrival of the law in the Senate on 13 July. Limited space to the fights on social media between Matteo Renzi and Chiara Ferragni, followed by the intervention of the rapper Fedez in support of his wife: headlines for Tg3, Tg La7 and Tg4. The latter points out at the singer’s many inaccuracies in his argument about the law against homotransfobia. From Thursday, the focus of prime time will shift to the reform of justice signed by Cartabia (openings for Tg3 and Tg La7) and the clash on the issue of prescription. If on Friday Tg1 looks at the glass half full – relaunching Letta’s favourable declarations and the favourable vote of the ministers of the Movement in the Council of Ministers – Tg5 and Tg La7 better document the new internal storm of the 5 Stars after the “painful yes” to the reform and Conte’s protests.
Concerning the visibility of the leaders, it should be noted that, even though the polls show the Lega and the Fratelli d’Italia neck and neck in the preferences of Italians, during the week, the name of Giorgia Meloni recurs much less frequently in the prime time, with just 2 direct references compared to 10 of Salvini and 9 of Letta, while Conte and Renzi stand out with 13 mentions.
During the week, Covid is back in the News with concerns about the spread of the Delta variant, causing a slight increase in infections in Italy and, above all, generating peaks in Spain, Portugal and the United Kingdom. Tg4 is paying close attention, dedicating four of its openings on Tuesday to a campaign to denounce the lack of controls at airports, claiming that “we cannot trust only the companies”, and praising, right from the headlines, the actions taken in this direction by the President of Sicily, Nello Musumeci.
The sports section was vibrant, with the national football team remaining a fixed presence ahead of the European Championship final against England after Tuesday’s success against Spain.
There was great satisfaction on Friday for the success of tennis player Berrettini (6 titles). The “cold shower” of the Olympic Committee has chosen to hold the Tokyo 2020 competitions without a public in the stands, claims the openings of Tg1 and Tg5 on Thursday.
Newspapers showed little attention to rescues at sea, with headlines only for Tg5 and Tg3, even though the summit between Italy and France, between Macron and President Mattarella, has once again placed the issue of migration at the heart of the European debate. On Thursday, Mario Orfeo’s channel was back on board the Ocean Viking, which picked up 572 migrants this week, with a long report on the testimonies of exhausted people waiting for a safe port.