Italy in white zone: “beyond the Covid”. The TV News Eurispes Observatory – CoRiS Report

In the prime-time TV News, politics and news take up space. Mottarone, controversy over videos of the tragedy. Europe celebrates the renewed Atlantic alliance. All eyes on the Biden-Putin meeting.

The TV News from 14 to 18 June – Covid remains this week the main theme of opening, with the approval Thursday of the Green Pass, the interventions of the drug agencies on the reliability of the AstraZeneca vaccine, the heterologous administration and clarification (Friday) by Premier Draghi. With the collapse of contagions and the number of deaths steadily below 100, the attention of the headlines are back to the more traditional topics of politics and major news events.

The fact that news is once again at the centre of the prime time agenda is demonstrated on Wednesday by the three openings of the Mediaset news programmes, dedicated to images documenting the moments of the tragedy of the Mottarone cable car (in the headlines for all the others). This choice was accompanied in the services by several interventions of the anchors who, responding to the controversy of the day on its legality, have perhaps exceeded in “escusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta”, given that the Tg3 had broadcast the same images already at lunchtime.

There was great interest in the case of Saman, with the testimony of her brother who, confirmed on Friday the murder of the young girl by her uncle. Tg5 took a strong position with a passionate editorial by Luigi Battista. Attention was also paid to developments in the investigation into the death of Luana D’Orazio, from which it emerged that the safety barriers of the machinery that crushed her had been removed to increase productivity: 5 headlines on Thursday. Headlines on Tuesday for Tg1, Tg2 and Tg La7 for the dismissal, of the case of the two Italian maroons held for a long time in India after 9 years.

As for politics, the electoral campaign climate is consolidating, with eyes focused on the federative project put forward by Berlusconi for the centre-right. Tg4 was lively, extending its minutes by 20 minutes, becoming the only programme with about one hour of programmes. Tg4 is also very busy reporting on the daily internal divisions within the Democratic Party and the 5 Stars (opening on Friday). There is an interesting in-depth report on the relationship between the 5 Star Movement and China, which in recent days has seen some strong statements by Beppe Grillo (4 headlines), followed, again on Tg4, by an in-depth report on the business in Italy of large economic Chinese groups.

This week’s foreign affairs page is rich, absorbed by the numerous international meetings. Great attention was paid to the NATO summit in Brussels, with many newspapers reporting the strengthening of the alliance between the United States and Europe. Wednesday’s focus will also be on the long-awaited meeting between Putin and Biden, to which Tg1, Tg2 and Tg La7 will be dedicating their headlines. Bipartisan appreciation for Prime Minister Draghi’s speeches in Europe, who on Friday also received compliments from leader Sanchez in his bilateral meeting with Spain. Attention to the theme of immigration: in the headlines for Tg La7 and Tg3, with the latter interviewing a journalist from Avvenire on Tuesday about the dramatic story of a group of migrants rescued in international waters by a merchant ship and returned to a Libyan patrol boat that took them back to the detention camps from which they had probably just left.

The elections in Iran, which are expected to have a very low turnout also due to the exclusion of the lists of the most moderate candidates, were only covered by the RAI news, with Tg3 interviewing former President Ahmadinejad on Thursday. Also Tg3 dedicates a single headline on Wednesday to Patrick Zaki’s 30th birthday, which sees the young researcher forced, for the second time, to spend it in prison without the trial having started (headline also for Tg La7).

Italy’s success at the European Football Championship met with everyone’s satisfaction, with headlines on both RAI and Mediaset news. Widespread attention (12 headlines) also for the condition of Danish footballer Christian Eriksen, who is recovering after the heart problem that caused him to collapse on the pitch during last Sunday’s match.

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