Eurispes meets Roman school children in a series of meetings organised by the Gregorian University

On Thursday 16 January 2025, the Eurispes Institute will take part in the second edition of the cycle of meetings organised by the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Pontifical Gregorian University and directed by Prof. Luigi Mariano. “Useful Ethics” is the title of the course on applied social ethics, addressed to high school students in Rome and its province with the aim of making them reflect on the existential implications of the ethical paradigm, contributing to forming new ethically responsible generations. In particular, the socio-cultural context of reference in which the individual school is located will be explored in order to increase awareness and sensitivity to the common good. The student working group will be called upon to design an operational proposal in which the school will become the fulcrum of initiatives aimed at improving the quality of people’s relational life, interacting with other educational and social agencies in the area.

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