Webinar – SUPI Network – “Shifts and reorientation within the social-crisis and pandemic catastrophe” – Day 2, 30th April 2021
SUPI Network – International Conference “Shifts and reorientation within the social-crisis and pandemic catastrophe” – DAY 2, April 30: 10,00 – 14,00
The European Research Group S.U.P.I. was formally established in January 2007, at the end of a conference on new forms of social precariousness, held in Berlin, with the collaboration of the German Ministry of Welfare. Coordinator of the Group is Prof. Dr. Rolf Dieter Hepp, of the Freie Universitaet in Berlin.
Eurispes participates and promotes the conference as a founding member of the European S.U.P.I. Network.
The evaluation of the social effects of the pandemic crisis are at the center of the 2021 annual conference promoted by the SUPI Network, specialized in the analysis of the processes of social precariousness, uncertainty, inequalities that characterize the contemporary world, whose seriousness has long been at the center of the sustainable development strategies promoted by the United Nations. The profound and complex changes generated by the pandemic crisis in the social situation of people – in ways of thinking, in systems of relationships, in conditions and prospects of life – require both new cognitive-scientific approaches and the definition of an integrated system of public policies and private actions aimed at organizing a new order based on an effective social inclusion and improvement of the conditions of the individual. These operations are made even more difficult by the fact that the structural crisis caused by the global pandemic has generated a generalized uncertainty, between the expectations of a return to the normalization of the past on the one hand, and the awareness of the profound changes induced by this crisis in the traditional ways of living, thinking, operating of individuals and communities on the other.
This year’s meeting, which will take place online on April 29 and 30. The speakers of the conference come from universities, academies and specialized institutes of the following countries: Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, People’s Republic of China, Russia, Spain, USA, Turkey
APRIL 30 : 10,00 – 13,30 – 2^ SESSION
10,00-10,20 : António M. Duarte – “A Fracture in a Broken Crystal: Artists’ Precarity Under Crisis”
10,30-10,50 : Fernando Marhuenda – “Education systems, lockdown and restrictions: education reconsidered”
11,00-11,20 : Peter Herrmann – “Solidarity as Regime of Governing”
11,30-11,45 – Coffee break
11,45-12,05 : Vyacheslav Bobkov and Igor Shichkin – “New Forms of Social Support for Russian Population During the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic”
12,15-12,35 : Guy Standing – “Battling Eight Giants: Basic Income in a Time of Pandemics”
12,35 – 13,15 – Comments, Open discussion. Questions and answers
13,15-13,30 : Closing Remarks with Rolf -Dieter Hepp