Consigli di lettura | Osservatorio Eurispes sui Temi Internazionali – Luglio 2021/2

  1. Simeon Kerr. Tariff dispute stokes Saudi-UAE rivalry (Financial Times): Trade threatens to become the latest flashpoint in the economic and strategic rivalry between Riyadh and Abu Dhabi and risks adding to tensions in the six-nation Gulf Co-operation Council.
  2. Dominique Moisi. Les leçons amères de l’Afghanistan (Les Echos) : Près de vingt ans après le 11 septembre 2001, les Etats-Unis quittent l’Afghanistan, laissant derrière eux une population aux prises avec les talibans. Et une société où la place des femmes a certes nettement évolué, mais où la présence militaire américaine s’est souvent révélée contre-productive pour imposer la démocratie.
  3. Paul Krugman. The Trumpian roots of the chip crisis (The New York Times): Why are we facing a semiconductor shortage? Part of the answer is that when Trump took us into a trade war with China, there was clearly a lot he and his advisers failed to understand about modern world trade.
  4. Kenneth Rogoff. Le volcan latino-américain recommence à gronder (Les Echos) : Avec la reprise en cours de la pandémie, les 650 millions de Latino-Américains sont confrontés à une catastrophe humanitaire, écrit Kenneth Rogoff. Malgré la colère sociale qui gronde, les marchés restent pour l’instant impassibles. Ils ont tort.
  5. Bret Stephens. Why China won’t bury us either (The New York Times): Garry Kasparov has a pithy way of summing up the past 18 months of tribulation. “China gave us the virus,” the chess and human-rights champion told me over a recent breakfast. “And the free world gave us the vaccines.”
  6. Martin Wolf. Johnson’s Brexit win was a Pyrrhic victory (Financial Times): Ruined to the winner.Boris Johnson wins referendum Just five years ago, he continued to gain Conservative leadership on EU UK membership. July 2019, Reached an agreement with the EU During october He won a decisive victory under the British simple single-member constituency system.
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