Italy Report 1994

The 1994 Italy Report, now in its sixth edition, has been structured around six dichotomies, illustrated by six essays accompanied by sixty phenomenological files. Through the “dialectic of opposites”, the volume analyses the evolution and changes in society and highlights the most representative themes of current events. With over 800 pages, this Report is a useful tool for interpreting a changing Italy.
The dichotomies identified and contained in the Report are:




From the “against” to the “for”

by Gian Maria Fara, President of Eurispes



  1. The test of fire: the local elections of 6th and 20th June
  2. Chronicle of an announced earthquake: the local elections of 21st November and 5th December
  3. A new mayor for the capital: expectations and needs
  4. Inside the League
  5. Urgent (non-)decrees in the XI legislature
  6. The public administration employee in the mirror
  7. Do-it-yourself ecology: from the broom to the
  8. “Dangerous relations”: rudeness and vulgarity in everyday life
  9. Towards the “intelligent” consumer
  10. Older people’s opinions on change



  1. On the crest of a wave: television programmes in the nineties
  2. I read, therefore I am
  3. The return of Strapaese: the success of local newspapers
  4. Advertising between identity and identification in a changing market
  5. The spread of Buddhism in Italy
  6. Small identities: the dimensions of scouting
  7. The “green” identity
  8. Military service? No thanks. Conscientious objection in the nineties
  9. Military service? Yes, thank you. Voluntary enlistment in the 1990s
  10. Skinheads in Italy



  1. The secret services in Italy
  2. Freemasonry
  3. Orders of chivalry
  4. Mafia associations: structure and power dynamics
  5. The arms market
  6. The drugs market
  7. Organ transplants in Italy
  8. New ways of crime: computer crime
  9. False “values”. The counterfeit money market in Italy
  10. Alternative religious movements



  1. From quantity to quality: ten years of consumption in Italy
  2. Towards quality: consumer associations
  3. On the dishes and on the beach: the Nas at work
  4. The new frontiers of the Corps: how they protect the environment
  5. Terra bruciata: ten years of fires in Italy
  6. Public administration: the quality of services
  7. The trade union in figures
  8. The job that isn’t there: unemployment in Italy
  9. False enterprises and false entrepreneurs in the South
  10. The European Community Structural Funds



  1. Family murders
  2. Suicide through the press
  3. The right to the family: foster care and adoption in Italy
  4. Juvenile crime
  5. Crime and the prison system in Italy
  6. Handicap: still unheard words?
  7. Mental illness: fragility of a reform
  8. The elderly seen by the elderly
  9. Women and professionalism
  10. Conflict in the world of work



  1. Taxation in Italy
  2. Taxation in Italy and in the G7 countries
  3. Labour costs and salaries in the G7 countries
  4. Social expenditure in Italy
  5. A population of invalids: the growth of invalidity pensions
  6. The cost of public debt
  7. Ethics and economics: the social sensitivity of entrepreneurs
  8. Banks in search of lost ethics
  9. Exchange rates and foreign trade


File Indice

Summary Document

Conservation/Change – Identity/Loss – Hidden/Obvious- Quality/Quantity – Strength/Fragility – Rationality/Irrationality

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