Italy Report 2018

Six dichotomies to understand the changing Italy:


The 2018 Italy Report, now in its 30th edition, has become a valuable resource for academics, institutions, the information system, and international observers.
Each year, the Report is built around six dichotomies, which are illustrated by six essays and sixty phenomenological files. Thus, it addresses issues that the Institute considers representative, but not exhaustive, of Italy’s political, economic, and social current affairs through a dual reading of reality.
The Report is supplemented by sample surveys, which in this year’s edition investigated some of the themes traditionally proposed by the Eurispes: citizens’ trust in institutions, citizens’ evaluation of government work, the economic condition of families, savings, poverty, consumption, pet ownership and care, health, e-commerce, the family and the parent-child relationship, the role of grandparents, food and nutrition.

This year’s Report, in its thirty-first edition, revolves around the concept of RESPONSIBILITY as a “key word,” considering it essential for attempting to describe current political, cultural, economic, and social trends, both present and absent.




General considerations by Gian Maria Fara, President of Eurispes



In search of lost responsibility



Thirty years with the Italians


This year’s keyword


Separated at home


A fragile system


A confused country


The flight from responsibility


A national sport


Between barkers and arrogance


An indispensable project


In the middle of the ford


A question of common sense


A country of emigrants


Reconnecting “country” and “system”



Chapter 1 Responsibility/Irresponsibility

Essay | The individual-community tug-of-war


1 | (Survey) Institutions: a slow and laborious recovery of trust


2 | Italian economic policy as a motion of inertia, or state inertia


3 | Marital instability in Italy: an analysis of divorces from the nineties to today


4 | Representative and participatory democracy and the reform of the third sector in Italy


5 | Protecting work: all the numbers of the armed forces


6 | Financial police: guarding the country’s economy


7 | The tax justice reform


8 | (Survey) Past and future: grandparents and children in Italian families


9 | The digital universe: fake news and post-truths


10 | Metropolitan Islam



Chapter 2 Culture/Cultures

Essay | ‘Cultures’ at the time of globalisation


11 | Common goods: the city and the recovery of urban spaces


12 | Italy, room with a view


13 | Reading in Italy. so many books, so few readers


14 | (Survey) The knowledge necessary for a “virtuous school”: citizens’ opinion


15 | (Survey) Food alternatives: vegetarians and vegans


16 | (Survey) Italians and their pets


17 | Hinduism in Italy


18 | Food supplements? in excellent health. sales boom in Italy


19 | Italians do not renounce beauty and wellness: cosmetics and wellness defy the crisis


20 | 50 shades of organic



Chapter 3 Fear/Courage

Essay | Fears, courage


21 | (Survey) Information and risk perception


22 | De-radicalisation techniques in Europe and Italy


23 | (Survey) The economic condition of households: cautious optimism?


24 | Sharing economy: towards a philosophy of sharing


25 | From hospital to social residence (from OPG to REMS)


26 | Regional railways and safety standards


27 | Bullying and cyberbullying, the multifaceted face of youth discomfort


28 | Early school leaving: picture of an open and possible challenge


29 | (Survey) Stalking violence


30 | The 2017 migration in the mainstream media’s reflections



Chapter 4 Trust / Distrust

Essay | Between trust and mistrust, only the utmost trust last.


31 | Wellness finally. the new BES indicators in the budget cycle in Italy


32 | (Survey) Citizens and media: always on


33 | Treatment abroad and cross-border health assistance


34 | The doctor-patient relationship in the digital age


35 | The national health system and the changing Italian society


36 | How to clean Italy


37 | Dia: a multiple force structure against organised crime


38 | Efficiency of the financial administration


39 | Italian banks, European geofinance and regulatory short-circuit risks


40 | Digital Italy



Chapter 5 Growth / Development

Essay | Growth and development: a necessary divorce


41 | Between mafia and terrorism: the role of DNA


42 | (Survey) Italian families’ expenditure: more growth, fewer instalments?


43 | Italy and workforce. the commitments of the new European pillar of social rights


44 | Italy and the challenge of the BRICS states in the Mediterranean area


45 | A tool for projecting Italy abroad


46 | For a gender sustainable development: Italy and the equal opportunities


of leadership in the fifth goal of the 2030 agenda


47 | Bitter waters. New technologies at the service of the sea


48 | Tourism: underground economy blocks development


49 | The phenomenon of food delivery


50 | The emerging phenomenon of esports



Chapter 6 To Come / To Become

Essay | A change of an era


51 | (Survey) Italians and climate change: opinions and behaviours in comparison


52 | Climate change and migrations


53 | An economy on wheels: the new life of the bike


54 | Smart cities in Italy between successes and delays


55 | The behaviour of Italians become “sustainable.”


56 | The passion of Italians for video between tv and web


57 | Italian houses become technological: the smart home market grows


58 | Online advertising: internet advertising is growing


59 | The social tv phenomenon in Italy


60 | The food choices of Italians between health, wellness and advice from web influencers








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