Italy Report 2017

Six dichotomies to understand the changing Italy:

The 2017 Italy Report, now in its 29th edition, has grown in popularity among academics, institutions, the information system, and international observers.
Each year, the Report is built around six dichotomies, which are illustrated by six essays and accompanied by sixty phenomenological files. Thus, it addresses issues that the Institute considers representative, but not exhaustive, of Italy’s political, economic, and social current affairs through a dual reading of reality.
The Report is enriched by sample surveys, which in this year’s edition have investigated some of the topics traditionally proposed by the Eurispes: citizens’ trust in institutions, taxation, citizens’ relationships with public and private institutions, the economic condition of families, poverty, consumption, pet ownership and care, health, citizens’ perceptions of security, and justice.









The courage to change one’s mind

Italy and its metaphors

The charge of Don Quixote

A flexible Europe

From the second to the first republic

The Rousseau platform

The middle classes and democracy

More state and less market

The authority to be regained



Essay | the possible future


1 | Survey. Europe: how to stay together

2 | Big data and the world of proteins

3 | Someone, something “after us”

4 | Street art as a force for urban regeneration

5 | Street food. Gastronomy between the piazzas of Italy and the digital agora

6 | Italian consumers and promotions: between discounts and loyalty programmes

7 | Clothing and accessories drive the Italian e-commerce market

8 | The sharing effect broadens the horizon: the sharing economy in tourism

9 | Internet users with shopping carts: the growth of e-commerce boosting consumption in Italy

10 | Fatal attraction. The contribution of the international attractiveness of ports to Italy’s geo-economic role in the Mediterranean




Essay | The fear of fear


11 | Survey. Citizens’ perception of security. More discomfort, more insecurity.

12 | The Italian strategic network. Fifteen years of high-tech weapon transfers and acquisitions carried out by Italy.

13 | The time of terror

14 | Justice and the Internet: towards a collective intelligence

15 | Guarding the country’s interests

16 | Intelligence awareness in the information society

17 | All the numbers of the Carabinieri corp

18 | Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies

19 | An overview of energy efficiency in 2016

20 | Cyber security in Italy: greater awareness on the part of businesses but limited budgets




Essay | the enemies of democracy


21 | Survey Justice: a complex issue

22 | The honorary judges

23 | Family mediation

24 | So do others:  check and balance in the American political system, a reflection on the role of the supreme court

25 | Anac: vigilance and transparency for a new culture of legality

26 | Job insecurity in Italy

27 | Survey. The thin poverty line

28 | Survey. The economic condition of families

29 | Poverty and waste: two sides of the same coin

30 | Return to Italy. Justice reforms and relaunching the attraction of ide in the European geo-economic panorama




Essay | citizenship’s paths


Survey- 31 | Institutions: a distant coldness

Survey- 33 | The trend in the tax burden in Italy

Survey- 34 | If I were the mayor of Rome …

35 | citizens, services and value creation. public administration relooking

36 | the reform of the public administration and the Italian political system

37 | simplification for businesses

38 | the right to university education

39 |  Homeownership: an Italian myth still alive?

40 | The TV is dead. Long live TV




Essay | A country without memory


41 | Global migratory flows and the welcome of immigrants in Italy: from structural emergency to Sprar shelter

42 | Immigrants’ input to the Italian GDP

43 | foreign mafias and the exploitation of immigrants

44 | The gastronomic melting pot. Trends, integration, protectionism

Survey- 45 | Immigration and integration in the diocese of Civita Castellana. A case study

46 | Italian brain drain: Italians with high education on the move

47 | the migration of ideas: soft power and the role of all-news tv channels

48 | 2016 immigration data and the reflections on the mainstream media

49 | Cinema and migrations

50 | Criminality: the presence of Italian and foreign inmates in comparison


Essay | which subjectivity? Which collectivity?

Survey- 51 | Italy is “enough”

52 | The structural funds of the European Union and the implementation of operational programs

53 | The third sector in Italy and its reform law, la 106/2016

Survey- 54 | The health thermometer

Survey- 55 | Italians’ consumption: between reduction of non-essential goods and focus on food

56 | Weddings in Italy: who marries whom?

57 | The millennials: a generation to discover

58 | The big data to support the customer profiling for the customization of the purchase experience

59 | Beer, what a passion: diffusion and consumption

60 | Survey. The food habits of Italians and their love for animals





















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Italy Report 2017

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