Italy Report 2016

Six dichotomies to understand the changing Italy:


The Italy Report 2016, now in its 28th edition, has become, over time, an appreciated point of reference for scholars, institutions, the information system and international observers.

Each year, the Report is built around six dichotomies by methodological choice, illustrated by six essays accompanied by sixty phenomenological files. Thus, through a dual reading of reality, it addresses issues that the Institute considers representative, though not exhaustive, of Italy’s political, economic and social current affairs.

The Report is enriched by sample surveys that in this year’s edition have explored some of the themes traditionally proposed by Eurispes or phenomena that have recently emerged: trust in institutions; a focus on the Church, the faith and Catholics in Italy; a focus on the South of Italy; the relationship between citizens and media; the economic situation of families and consumption; security; the phenomenon of stalking and usury; undeclared work; opinion on ethical issues; the relationship with the animal world; consumption of quality food products and various other closely topical themes.











No one is enough for themselves

Crises between past, present and future

Cynical and barbaric fate

We are all evaders

Movementsists, reformists, disappointed, post-League and absent Renzi

The world is hungry for Italy

Transforming power into energy: the obstacles The Latin soul as a virtue


CHAPTER I – PLANNING/IMPROVISION Imagining, choosing, planning


  1. Southern Italy: an unsolved question (Survey)
  2. Restoration: neglected excellence
  3. Digital school: handle with care
  4. Digital innovation in Italian companies: backwardness and success stories
  5. Digital Italy
  6. Follow the money: hawala and money transfer
  7. Aeronautica Militare… beyond Icarus. Power and thought of the Air Force
  8. Professional certification: towards a global labour market
  9. How to survive the crisis: the strategies of the Italians (Survey)
  10. The daring enterprise: the Italian candidacy for the Olympics (Poll)




  1. Trust in Institutions: ‘e pur si move’ (Poll)
  2. Intelligence live, 007s talk to young people in Italian universities (Survey)
  3. Discovering (in)security (Survey)
  4. Fixed-term employment, open-ended crisis
  5. Big Data and the world of work
  6. Courageous captains: the boom of foreign entrepreneurs in Italy
  7. China cuts import duties: challenges and opportunities for Made in Italy products
  8. Young people rediscover agriculture and enrolment in the Faculty of Agriculture is booming
  9. Fishing: towards sustainability?
  10. Social business: an opportunity for the management of common goods




  1. Living in Italy? Why not… (Survey)
  2. The economic condition of families (Survey)
  3. The recovery of consumption between confidence and optimism (Survey)
  4. Car sharing and home sharing: towards a model of sharing economy
  5. Italy and the opaque army of little invisibles
  6. The polluted ideology of suspicions: the case of vaccines in Italy
  7. The declaration of Internet rights
  8. A short dictionary on freedom
  9. The taxation of the digital economy
  10. The universal judgement or freedom of expression at the time of the Internet


Chapter IV ME/US

  1. Vegetarians and animal rights activists (Survey)
  2. In search of food quality and safety (Survey)
  3. Made in Italy: the excellence of organic food products in foreign markets
  4. Fast fashion relaunches Made in Italy manufacturing
  5. Italy is a melting pot and demand for ethnic foods is booming
  6. 2015: mainstream communication and the refugee emergency
  7. The housing emergency expressed by those with an income from work: the phenomenon of social housing
  8. Forums, blogs and social networks: the new influencers in the purchasing process
  9. Neither public nor private, common
  10. Let’s kick the ball around (Survey)



CHAPTER V – LIE/TRUTH Liars always know what the truth is

  1. Everyone in the network (Survey)
  2. Talent show must go on
  3. From money laundering to cyberlaundering
  4. Taxation and Islamic finance
  5. DIA: an inter-agency tool against organised crime
  6. Guarding the interests of the country
  7. Our daily bread
  8. Food web security
  9. The legal profession: current situation and future of the profession
  10. The value of intangibles


CHAPTER VI – RELIGIOSITY/SECOLARISATION In search of God between the sacred and the profane


  1. Pope Francis: the simplicity that conquers (Survey)
  2. Italians, fervent Catholics? Just enough (Survey)
  3. Don Camillo and Peppone: balances in progress (Survey)
  4. Religiosity through data
  5. Italians between freedom of choice and moral limits (Survey)
  6. Taxation: when faith calls and the State answers
  7. The religions of others: a possible integration
  8. The great beauty: a God for scientists
  9. Crazy for family
  10. The Third Pillar

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