Italy Report 2015

Six dichotomies to understand the changing Italy:

Eurispes Rapporto Italia 2015 copertinathe Italy Report 2015, now in its 27th edition, has over time become an appreciated point of reference for scholars, institutions, the information system and international observers.
By methodological choice, each year the Report is built around six dichotomies, illustrated by six essays accompanied by sixty phenomenological files. Thus, through a dual reading of reality, it addresses issues that the Institute considers representative, though not exhaustive, of Italy’s political, economic and social current affairs. The Report is enriched by sample surveys that, in this annual edition, have explored some of the Eurispes’ traditionally proposed themes: a focus on religion and faith, ethical issues and values, the economic situation of families and consumption, trust in institutions, employment and the labour market, the Euro and Europe, the world of animals, and a number of other topical issues.




by Gian Maria Fara, President of Eurispes

The Big Burden

Five points

Bureaucracy: the “Great Burden”

Changing direction. The non-existent politics

The Stone Guest

Money Dirtying, or when the mafia is convenient

Costs and benefits

Too much of the same

Goodbye, intellectuals

How we can come out of it


Humankind, between courage and resignation, the choice between life and death

1.              The economic status of households (Survey)

2.              Italian work culture: Waiting for Godot with a suitcase in hand (Survey)

3.               La persecuzione dei giorni nostri: lo stalking (Sondaggio)

4.               Judges in the front line: the role and commitment of the National Anti-Mafia
5.              The gold buyers

6.               Usury victim employees

7.               High professionalism, affordable to all

8.               Education, an investment for the future

9.               Occupy Wall Street

10.             The back reshoring: a new opportunity for the “Made in Italy”


Lookinf for the lost sense of citizenship

11.             Trust in Institutions: nothing new on the Western front (Survey)

12.             The Common Agricultural Policy

13.             EU funds

14.             Italy’s gap in public transport infrastructure

15.             Labour Law: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow?

16.             “Youth Guarantee”: an opportunity for the reform of the Italian labour system

17.             Towards digital Italy

18.             Energy efficiency and socio-economic development

19.             Internet of things: the soul of things

20.             The Euro-discouraged (Survey)


Ideological traps


21.              Ethical issues and values (Survey)

22.             Investing in the future of agriculture: access to bank credit

23.             The new fathers. Comparing men and women (Survey)

24.             The crisis of the family institution and the emergence of new poverty situations

25.             What remains of ‘young Italy’: too many thoughts and not enough action

26.             The crisis of information as an “intermediate body”

27.             Transport and mobility: the citizens’ word (Survey)

28.             Corporate Social Responsibility in times of crisis

29.             Between democracy and bureaucracy, a case study: Dentistry

30.             Mystery and transparency. Freemasonry in Italy



Biology and technology in the mirror

31.             The elderly, “social shock absorbers” in an economy in crisis

32.             The new purchasing patterns of Italian consumers: e-commerce and the second-hand market

33.             Purchasing behaviour in times of crisis: grocery shopping programming

34.             The Egadi Islands as a “Smart Island”. An example of eco-innovation for sustainable tourism

35.             Waste from electrical and electronic equipment: from problem to resource

36.             Copper theft in Italy: internal crime but also silent war game for raw materials

37.             Environment: between vulnerability and opportunity

38.             Environment and Food: a possible union?

39.             Central Inspectorate for the Protection of Quality and Fraud Repression of Agri-Food Products

40.             Agri-food products of international origin: data from the Customs Agency


The green city: reality or utopia

41.             Italian consumers increasingly “unfaithful” between outlets and discount stores (Survey)

42.             The State Forestry Corps: sentinel of environmental treasures

43.             Social agriculture in Sicily. An innovative welfare tool or a new model for local development?

44.             Tourism, the hotel sector and the energy costs burden

45.             Large metropolitan areas

46.             The widespread city in Italy

47.             Hydrogeological and hydraulic instability

48.             Community composters: innovative technology for the treatment of organic waste

49.             Animals: love and respect (Survey)

50.             Animal rights activists of Italy (Survey)


Re-thinking the future

51.             Everyone on the Net. Between smartphones and Co. (Survey) a people permanently connected

52.             Tv: race to the Web

53.             New technologies: conquering the communication experience

54.             The challenge of multilingualism (Survey)

55.             Italy and cyberspace

56.             A spatial Italy

57.             A “green” sea

58.             When innovation comes from the sky. The technological push of the Italian Air Force

59.             Towards the future. The Italian Army between tradition and change

60.             The geo-economic role of Central-Eastern Europe

Summary Document

Courage/Resignation • Citizenship/Subjection • Morality/Law • Natural/Artificial• City/Country • Present/Future

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