Italy Report 2013
Six dichotomies to understand Italy:
The 2013 Italy Report, now in its 25th edition, has been built, as usual, around six dichotomies, illustrated through six essays accompanied by sixty phenomenological files.
With its 1,000 pages, the Report is a useful tool for interpreting Italy as it changes. The survey conducted touched on the issues and phenomena related to each of the sections that make up the Report, which have stimulated the most recent debate and the interest of public opinion. In particular, 1,500 citizens took part in the survey and contributed to outlining the framework of the orientations present in the structure of our society. The survey was carried out between 21 December 2012 and 4 January 2013.
Contents GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS The Italy of presentism by Gian Maria Fara, President of Eurispes DOUBT/CERTAINTY Essay | The Unsustainable Groundlessness of Doubt 1. Citizens’ trust in institutions (Survey) 2. Towards the Third Republic? The party system in Italy: between legitimacy and representation 3. The civil servant: guardian of democracy 4. Public employees and merit denied 5. Women in power: a slightly too exclusive club 6. The economic crisis and the false problem of public debt 7. Interceptions: almost 180 million every year 8. Networked public opinion 9. Fatherhood and separation 10. Transparency and innovation in competition FINANCE/ECONOMICS Essay | Economics and Finance in the Mirror of Social Intelligence 11. The economic condition of households (Survey) 12. Low-cost life: consumption in times of crisis (Survey) 13. Taxation. The Italians’ point of view (Survey) 14. Rich and poor: the redistributive inequalities 15. Productivity in Italy 16. Derivative finance 17. Financial Regulation 18. Finance and growth 19. Taxation in Italy 20. Debt deflation: Wall Street vs Main Street INSIDE/OUTSIDE Essay | Between Perimeters and Barriers 21. Work: the real fear of Italians (Survey) 22. Women and work between challenges and renunciations (Survey) 23. The choice after graduation: inside or outside the university system? 24. Scientific research in Italy: still a missed opportunity? 25. The Italian way to integration 26. Road victims 27. Communicating melancholy. The media representation of depression in the Italian daily press 28. One step less. The numbers of disability in Italy 29. The infinite archipelago of “participated companies 30. Ethical issues in society: how to live and die (Survey) REALITY/REPRESENTATION Essay | About the great deception 31. The State Forestry Corps, “the top of the class” 32. Liberalisation 33. The masks are naked. The abandoned theatre 34. E-commerce and digital content, between crisis and revolution 35. Italian professional football 36. The Posh Tweens. The new protagonists of consumer choices in the Italian fashion market 37. Stuff from our house: family and relationship murders 38. Nothing is lost as long as health exists 39. Security in Rome and homicide statistics: a comparison with other international realities 40. Pets, the dearest friends ever (Survey) OLD AGE/YOUTH Essay | The sirens of modernity 41. Italians’ passion for technology between tradition and modernity (Survey) 42. The people of “navigators” (Survey) 43. Adults and new technologies. A word to the children 44. Among the wrinkles of the ruling class 45. Inheritance: solution or problem? 46. Newspapers: the more they print the less they earn 47. The infinite ways of publishing 48. Old and new addictions 49. The cost of children in Italy: “take three and pay two 50. The recycling society and opportunities for growth GROWTH/DEVELOPMENT Essay | Growth and development: irreconcilable options? 51. Food and energy: a sustainable approach 52. Energy scenarios for Italy: towards sustainable economic development 53. The role of the Italian electricity sector in climate mitigation policies: a decomposition analysis approach 54. Sustainable development: a resource for employment and innovation in training processes 55. Employment and training needs in the “green” transformation 56. The ecomafia in the Italian socio-economic structure 57. Food: the consumption of Doc and Igp products challenges the crisis 58. Business start-up: from the entrepreneurial idea to the realisation of the initiative… 59. Business start-up: innovation and quality to keep going 60. Moving around in Italy: the complex reality of the transport system