Italy Report 2012

Six dichotomies to understand Italy:

The 2012 Italy Report, now in its 24th edition, has been built, as usual, around six dichotomies, illustrated through six essays accompanied by sixty phenomenological files.

With more than 1,000 pages, the Report is a useful tool for interpreting Italy as it changes. The survey conducted touched on the issues and phenomena related to each of the sections that make up the Report, which have stimulated the most recent debate and the interest of public opinion. In particular, 1,090 citizens took part in the survey and contributed to outlining the framework of the orientations of our society. The sample survey (using a questionnaire) on the data contained in the survey sheets was carried out between 20 December 2011 and 5 January 2012.


GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS The courage to break the pact Italy, victim and accomplice of a blocked democracy by Gian Maria Fara, President of Eurispes CHAPTER 1 – LIFE/DEATH Deciding to (not) die

  1. Biological will and ‘end of life’. 2. The new representations of death 3. Accidents at work and deaths in the workplace 4. Old and new occupational diseases 5. Biotechnologies and immortality: cloning 6. Assisted reproduction: fathers and mothers at any cost 7. Death at high speed 8. Choosing not to live 9. The elderly condition today and the relationship with health care: opinions and evaluation of the protagonists 10. Are Italians healthy? (Survey)

CHAPTER 2 – BEING / HAVING The precarious balance between essence and substance 11. The economic condition of families (Survey) 12. Italians and savings between 2000 and 2010: blessed are those who have managed to save 13. The superfluous and waste 14. The metamorphosis of television 15. In the network of participation 16. Social Shopping, the new Eldorado? 17. Italians and foreign languages: the case of the Rome Library Service (Survey) 18. Defending the language 10. Psychological discomfort and psychotherapy 20. Italy, a difficult love (Survey) CHAPTER 3 – JUSTICE/INJUSTICE The sum of injustice 21. Citizens’ trust in institutions (Survey) 22. The need for fair justice 23. The costs of justice: the excessive slowness of civil trials damages the Country System 24. Lawyers “detractors”? 25. The social effects of regulations on justice and on the reform of the professions 26. Italians and European law: a contradictory relationship 27. The extreme horror of judicial psychiatric hospitals (OPG) 28. Suicides in prison, the silent massacre 29. Life in prison 30. At the heart of security CHAPTER 4 – REASONABLE/UNREASONABLE The Italy of the economy: between delays and prospects 31. The sustainability of public debt in Italy 32. Precarious work, work in the balance 33. The social impact of welfare regulations, the effects of IMU, the relationship between taxation and female labour 34. Innovation. International comparisons 35. Trends, consumption and challenges of the Italian luxury market 36. Territorial designations and quality: the perimeter of Italian Denomination of Origin products 37. Protect our daily bread. The Carabinieri against food fraud and adulteration 38. Big Pharma and the risk of health imperialism 39. The Prometheus of books: innovation and tradition 40. The ownership of material goods, consumerism (Survey) CHAPTER 5 – PARENTS/CHILDREN Parents today: expectations, needs, problems, criticalities 41. Well-being in old age (Survey) 42. Parents on the Net 43. Parents and children: between trust and responsibility 44. We loved each other so much 45. Motherhood in old age, between medical progress and ethical dilemmas 46. Foster care and adoptions: a family for every child 47. Shared custody 48. Young people, politics and parties (Survey) 49. Young” opportunities for the country from Italian agriculture 50. Cosmetic surgery or the myth of beauty CHAPTER 6 – SUSTAINABILITY/UNSUSTAINABILITY Will the 21st century be the “green century”, the century of sustainability, or will it be a “hot century” with an increase in temperatures that will cause an environmental catastrophe? Card 51. The day after. The Italian daily press in the face of the Fukushima nuclear accident 52. Fighting climate change: adaptation 53. Wind energy and the national action plan: situation and prospects 54. Biodiversity, sustainability and economic development 55. Agriculture, for a new “pact with society 56. Bio-construction, good practices for energy saving 57. WEEE, waste electrical and electronic equipment: an opportunity for the recovery of raw materials and energy 58. Sustainable tourism: a case study for the smaller islands 59. Sustainable mobility in Italy 60. Protected Areas, the cradle of biodiversity Essays by: Gioia Di Cristofaro Longo – Paolo De Nardis – Roberto De Vita – Guido Corazziari – Maurizio Quilici – Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio  

File Indice

Summary Document

Life/Death – Being/Having – Justice/Injustice – Reasonable/Unreasonable – Parents/Children – Sustainable/Unsustainable

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