Italy Report 2006

The 2006 Italy Report, now in its 18th edition, is made up of approximately 1,300 pages and divided into six thematic sections, each of which is introduced by an essay on the theme identified and accompanied by sixty phenomenological fact sheets.

Each year, the publication of the Report provides an opportunity to reflect on the general trend and prospects of the country, offering an original and independent snapshot of the complexity of the Italian system.

The themes identified and contained in the Report are:


The Report photographs the reality of a Country that is unable to transform its power into energy. A Country with great resources and great potential that is unable to express and affirm a project for growth and development. It is unable to identify an original path to which it can entrust its future, afflicted by the difficulty of implementing an Aristotelian transformation of its power.


GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Italy between Aristotle, Cassano and Mastro don Gesualdo by Gian Maria Fara, President of Eurispes HEALTH AND WELLBEING Towards a sustainable and supportive welfare in the society of wellbeing and well living

  1. Research, experimentation and recommendations for change: models and tools for the creation of a society of wellbeing and well living
  2. Health mobility
  3. Waiting times in the surveys of social control, in the technical setting of the NHS and in the modelling conception of the phenomenon
  4. The contribution of private enterprise and respect for the principle of subsidiarity. Theory and practice
  5. Structural, technological, organisational and care differences: the eloquence of the figures

Differentiating factors: the demographic composition, the epidemiology inferred from the causes of mortality, the unperceived segment of the immigrant neo-population Fact  7. We and cancer: face to face with a global emergency

  1. Autism
  2. Homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, Bach flowers, acupuncture: gentle or useless cures?
  3. Beauty farms and cosmetic surgery

WORK AND WELFARE Work and well-being

  1. Life project or a project-based contract life? 12. 12. In the drama of poverty the middle class is also involved
  2. Family support policies
  3. Acrobats: women between work, care work and motherhood
  4. Atypical pensions: to those who have will be given, but to those who have not?
  5. Social security, an endangered system
  6. Accidents at work: the impact on the economic and social system
  7. The size of the “National Health Service” holding company
  8. Public social housing and the need for new housing policies
  9. New professions at the service of the environment

QUALITY AND INNOVATION Which project for tomorrow?

  1. Equal opportunities in politics (survey)
  2. How to reduce waste in the public administration thanks to technological and organisational innovation
  3. Inflation, household expenditure baskets and the reality of municipal statistics offices
  4. An exemplary case: assistance for the terminally ill
  5. Rural investments and territorial benefits
  6. Wireless communication: the new passion of Italians
  7. In this world of thieves: hackers, crackers and telematic scams
  8. Guidelines for safeguarding the cultural heritage from natural risks
  9. The decommissioning of nuclear plants. The Garigliano: a forgotten history
  10. The pleasure of living in Italy (survey)


  1. Citizens’ trust in institutions (survey)
  2. Italian-style devolution: will the referendum change everything?
  3. Local finance: how administrations make a virtue out of necessity
  4. Governance and mediation suggestions for strengthening dialogue in Italy and Europe
  5. The blockage of political decision. Two different stories: Scanzano and Val di Susa
  6. Chemistry in Porto Torres: a forgotten story
  7. Participation of the immigrant population in Italian life
  8. What security in Italian cities?
  9. Sinti, Roma and Walkers: so near so far
  10. New media channels for shaping public opinion: blogs and podcasting

TERRITORY, ECONOMY AND DEVELOPMENT Italian tourism: a turning point is needed

  1. Technical survival tests (survey)
  2. The new aggregates of wealth and socio-economic discomfort: the widening of the gap
  3. Italian industry in search of a revival
  4. Competitiveness and made in Italy between innovation and globalisation
  5. Italian agriculture in the global context
  6. The structural limits of Italian tourism
  7. Enhancing the cultural and architectural heritage
  8. The competitiveness of Italian tourism on international markets
  9. Internal and international migration flows: current scenarios and impact on Italy
  10. Consumer credit in Italy

SOCIETY AND CUSTOMS The tortuous search for a better world

  1. Trends and values of Italian public opinion (survey)
  2. Italians and the Church: between loyalty and disobedience (poll)
  3. Gender equality achieved… in words. Gender stereotypes (survey)
  4. Crisis of marriage?
  5. When the body is a prison: transsexualism
  6. Vegetarians, vegans and orthorexics: the evolution of eating styles between the search for quality, health and obsession
  7. Animals and humans: love and hate
  8. The psychologist: a fashionable profession
  9. Two realities which are difficult to combine: professional satisfaction and private life
  10. Teenagers and travel: habits and preferences


File Indice

Summary Document

Health and well-being Work and welfare Quality and Innovation Democracy and Participation Territory, Economy and Development Society and Costume

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