Italy Report 2005

The 2005 Italy Report, now in its 17th edition, consists of 1,300 pages, divided into six thematic sections, each of which is introduced by an essay on the theme identified and accompanied by sixty phenomenological fact sheets.
Each year, the publication of the Report provides an opportunity to reflect on the general trend and prospects of the country, offering an original and independent snapshot of the complexity of the Italian system.
The themes identified and contained in the Report are:



GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Italy in search of a project by Gian Maria Fara, President of Eurispes   COMPETITIVENESS Innovate to compete

  1. Competitiveness: what role for Italy in tomorrow’s world?
  2. Italian industry: decline or decline?
  3. The Mezzogiorno between development and backwardness
  4. Generational transition in SMEs
  5. Entrepreneurship, a new work outlet for immigrants
  6. Small enterprises do not grow: craftsmanship in Italy

Sustainable development as a new economy: sustainable tourism

  1. Italian tourism: the collapse of demand
  2. The Bush effect, 2004: a good year for the stock exchanges
  3. Application of the Kyoto Protocol: an opportunity for company competitiveness?

  LABOUR The labour market in Italy after the Biagi reform

  1. The precariousness of employment relationships (survey)
  2. Atypical work: human costs and contractual fictions
  3. Working at fifty?
  4. The poor in suits
  5. Amid fears and uncertainties, “fluctuating” poverty
  6. Analysis of company management: ownership and managerial positions
  7. The right to university study, the right to mobility and its impact on the competitiveness of the Italian university system
  8. The eternal students in the jungle of masters and specialisation courses
  9. An un-European driving licence
  10. Formez as a facilitator of innovation processes in public administration

  ECONOMY The long night of the economy: the world turns, Italy does not

  1. Italians’ opinion on the Government’s economic policy and on economic trends (survey)
  2. Perceived inflation and Italians’ propensity to consume and save (survey)
  3. I wish I could but I can’t: the consumer credit explosion (survey)
  4. Eurispes’ shopping basket: working is not enough
  5. Purchasing power dynamics in Italy
  6. The Italy of excellence
  7. A Country for sale
  8. Made in Italy: what still sets Italy apart in the world
  9. Italy’s food balance
  10. Entrepreneurial models and work cultures among young farmers


  1. Citizens’ trust in the institutions (survey)
  2. Zipping politics in Berlusconi’s Italy
  3. The uncertain contours of Federalism: the opinion of the Italians (survey)
  4. The commitment of the municipal administrations in the area of federalism
  5. Local finance, or rather how Administrations make a virtue out of necessity
  6. Italians and the process of European integration: a mix of confidence in the future, current disappointment and fear of economic and bureaucratic lobbies (survey)
  7. The Maastricht parameters and economic growth, an alternative approach
  8. Women’s representation in institutional bodies
  9. Dynamism: a measure of the economic growth of territories
  10. Democracy on the Stock Exchange

  JUSTICE AND LEGALITY Considerations on the state of Italian justice

  1. Judicial errors, time taken by justice and reasonable length of trial
  2. The radiography of organised crime between homicides, turnover and mafia penetration
  3. The phenomenon of usury
  4. Work and economy: two faces of the same underground economy
  5. Waste emergency: not only Acerra
  6. Bank-business interpenetration in the Italian production system: a brake on the economy and transparency?
  7. The reform of child custody in separations. Who conceived it, who fights against it
  8. Freedom: I’ve seen her dancing… but a prisoner of barbed wire. Temporary Residence Centres (CPT)
  9. How I’m going to squeeze your student
  10. A concrete fact: an unjust pension for many people

  SOCIETY AND HABITS The time of metamorphosis

  1. Analysis of family demographic trends in Italy
  2. The digital transformation of the Italian family
  3. Dear friend I write to you… Virtual communities
  4. Living room voyeurism
  5. Invisible Italy: submerged cultural phenomena ignored by the media
  6. Horse fever. Italians and gambling
  7. Marriage, but how much will it cost me?
  8. When Advertising makes the (female) Revolution
  9. In search of ancient flavours: the growing supply of quality branded products
  10. Noise pollution: much ado about nothing


File Indice

Summary Document

Competitiveness – Work – Economy – Democracy and Institutions – Justice and Lawfulness – Society and Customs

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