9th National Report on the Condition of Childhood and Adolescence (2008)

The ninth edition of the National Report on the Condition of Childhood and Adolescence has seen Eurispes and Telefono Azzurro engaged in the complex work of providing information and highlighting some highly topical issues, through the identification of phenomena that are sometimes inconvenient or too often addressed in a marginal way.
Since 2000, the analysis and studies carried out in the Report have brought to the attention of citizens and institutions the main issues that have emerged from the continuous monitoring of the two Associations and the most important critical points in the world of children and adolescents.
The 40 fact sheets that make up the Report examine macro-themes ranging from abuse to discomfort, from health to the main changes that have occurred to modify certain behaviours in agencies of meaning and orientation such as the family and school, but also places of culture and leisure, bullying, child labour, sexual abuse, drug use, obesity, lack of crèches, child poverty, protection of nomadic children, family foster care, young people and politics, anorexia and bulimia, are just some of the topics covered.
The school survey collected the voices of almost 6,000 children and young people between the ages of 7 and 19, and made it possible to draw up a Child and Teenager Identikit.


The Technoagers: young people in search of a balance between new possibilities and the noisy solitude of the Net
by Ernesto Caffo, President of SoS Il Telefono Azzurro Onlus and Gian Maria Fara, President of Eurispes

Chapter 1 – Abuse and discomfort
1. Missing minors
2. Children victims of on-line grooming and predator’s mode of action
3. Child labour in Italy
4. Juvenile crime and the responses of the juvenile penal system
5. Where bullying crosses over into virtual reality: cyberbullying
6. Forgotten, ignored and even denied: abused children in sects
7. Sexual abuse in the Italian press
8. Ritualistic sexual abuse

Chapter 2 – Health
9. The childhood emergency in our country: the 114 service
10. The costs of mental health in childhood
11. Good practices in children’s hospitals
12. The role of paediatrics in the emergency management of abuse
13. That obscure object of desire: drug use among the very young
14. Obesity in childhood: psychosocial correlates and eating behaviours in a clinical sample 205
15. Invisible” children: the differently abled 217
16. Young people between depression and nihilism 229

Chapter 3 – Family, school, education
17. Italian demographic picture: few children, more mature parents, single children
18. Nursery schools? An all-Italian mirage
19. Everyone… at school. Origins and consequences of dropping out of school
20. Precarious lives, unemployment and underemployment among young people
21. The thousand faces of child poverty
22. The protection of nomadic children and teenagers
23. School as a laboratory for integration
24. Foster care as a means of welcoming minors in difficulty

Chapter 4 – Culture and leisure time
25. Young people and politics: disappointed and uncaring?
26. Young people and aggregation
27. The child-friendly city. Forms of participation of children in the municipalities’ life
28. Educating children about the environment: proposals for a sustainable future
29. The meaning of play for the child
30. Cartoons: comparing past and present
31. Teen drama, sitcoms and fantasy in children’s films
32. One in a thousand makes it: football and minors

Chapter 5 – Media and Communication
33. Social Networks and Instant Messaging: threats and countermeasures
34. Generations also online: between empowerment and risks
35. The “online gap”: generational distance between parents and children in the use of new technologies
36. Countering the dangers of the web: hot114 and the international network of hotlines (Inhope)
37. High-definition” children. The mobile phone: how they use it and the risks of integration with new technologies
38. Looking for children for the world of entertainment
39. Quod me nutrit me destruit. Anorexia and bulimia: adolescents on the “Net
40. The virtual crew

Identikit of the child

Identikit of the teenager

File Indice

Summary Document

Technoagers: young people seeking a balance between new possibilities and the noisy solitude of the Net

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