8th National Report on the Condition of Childhood and Adolescence (2007)

The release of the 8th National Report on the Condition of Childhood and Adolescence coincided with two important milestones in the history of both Associations: the 25th anniversary of Eurispes and the 20th anniversary of Telefono Azzurro.
This Report aims offer a moment of reflection on the journey to date and offer, once again, possible perspectives.
In this edition, the research path has been developed through 40 thematic fact sheets and two major surveys carried out in schools, which involved 52 schools of all grades. The Identikit of the Child was drawn up using a questionnaire administered to children aged between 7 and 11, attending the third, fourth and fifth grade of primary school and the first grade of middle school. The Identikit of the Teenager, on the other hand, collected the orientations of young people aged 12 to 19 years, attending the second and third grade of middle school or one of the five classes of high school. There were 1,680 questionnaires analysed for childhood and 1,950 for teenagers.


by Ernesto Caffo, President of SoS Il Telefono Azzurro Onlus and Gian Maria Fara, President of Eurispes

Chapter 1 – Deviance and social unrest
1. Twenty years of listening to children and adolescents: what has changed?
2. The evaluation of sexual abuse between science and emotion
3. From sexual tourism to child prostitution. In Italy the repression of insanity finds new forms
4. The government commissioner for missing persons: an operational choice
5. Labour, child labour: a current and old phenomenon
6. Roma: the people of children
7. Bullying at school: old and new typologies
8. Adolescents in Sicily: we talk about them, they don’t talk

Chapter 2 – Health
9. Psychiatric disorders and psychiatric urgency in childhood and teenage years
10. Teenagers’ well-being: a study on life skills
11. Schizophrenia early-onset . Problems related to diagnosis in childhood and intervention proposals
12. Children’s discomfort in hospital: how is it perceived by health personnel? A pilot survey in the Children’s Hospital of Parma
13. The sexuality of children from 0 to 12 years: an Italian survey
14. Videogames, lifestyles and mental health of children and adolescents
15. Burnt-out youth. Alcohol consumption among young people and Saturday night killings
16. Children and adolescents at the table: between junk food and the rediscovery of good nutrition

Chapter 3 – Family
17. The cost of having children in Italy: family support policies and consumption patterns
18. Children of divorced parents
19. Son-Master
20. Changes in the school-family relationship: from participation to co-responsibility
21. The difficult transition of young people into adulthood
22. Temporary foster care and distance support
23. Adoption between dream and reality
24. Close ties, distant ties: family and migration

Chapter 4 – Culture, customs and leisure
25. Youth in action: Europe looks at young people
26. Does school prepare young people for the world of work?
27. Volunteering: the other side of young people
28. Moments, activities and places for young people to have fun
29. The “technosexual” or “Y generation”: new ways of relating to others in the teenage world
30. Teenagers and money: pocket money as a substitute for affection?
31. Young people and water: problems, awareness, educational and cultural aspects
32. Yesterday’s and today’s games, “what about safety?”

Chapter 5 – Media and Communication
33. Safe Internet and online child pornography
34. Generation 2.0: YouTube and surroundings
35. Telephony and video telephony: violence and excesses filmed with a camera or a mobile phone and spread online. The new rules
36. Techno-youth
37. Web and minors: Peer to peer, Second Life, legality/illegality
38. The self-regulation code to protect minors, but on the dichotomy television “Yes” or television “No”, young people choose
39. Publishing for children
40. Young people and their models

Identikit of the child

Identikit of the teenager

File Indice

Summary Document

Son-Master. The advent of the new generation

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