6th National Report on the Condition of Childhood and Adolescence (2005)

The 6th Report on the Condition of Childhood and Adolescence provides institutions, educators, and families with a significant reading of minors’ complex and dynamic reality through a critical interpretation of young people’s main phenomena and trends and the customary sample survey conducted in Italian schools of all grades. The decision to present this important publication on the anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child underlines the precise will to constantly remember and enhance what is enshrined in this fundamental reference point. Sixteen years have passed since the signing of the Convention, which recognised and attributed to children and adolescents the ownership of fundamental rights, going on to identify, in parallel, a series of needs and requirements that must find a response both in the behaviour of adults and in the actions of Governments called upon to undertake concrete measures to promote, prevent, safeguard and protect the universe of children and teenagers.

In addition to the areas of investigation relating to emergencies such as abuse and maltreatment, sexual exploitation, deviance, etc., the Report also addresses the issues of violated rights and justice. It also intended to highlight the psychological and cultural complex implications issues related to the impact of television and information and communication technologies.


Young people in 2005: ‘explorers without frontiers’ between opportunities and risks
by Ernesto Caffo, President of SoS Il Telefono Azzurro Onlus and Gian Maria Fara, President of Eurispes

Chapter 1 – Abuse, exploitation and violated rights
1. The trade in minors: kidnapped and sold
2. Sexual abuse of minors: analysis of Italian cases
3. The research project C.L.U.I. (Chat-line Undercover Investigation): the personality profiles of minors at risk of grooming by paedophiles in chat rooms
4. The begging phenomenon in Italy
5. Families and foreign minors: what are the needs, what are the emergencies?
6. What is the needed, what is the helpful? The interpretation of discomfort through the Telefono Azzurro Observatory
7. Immigration and flows in a European perspective
8. The Social Legislation for Children

Chapter 2 – Deviance, Emergency and Discomfort
9. The Emergency Service for Children 114
10. The removal of minors in a networking perspective
11. Children and emergency. Analysis of the children’s emergency service 114
12. The draft law on shared custody and family mediation
13. Exploratory survey on the perception and meaning of emergency in adolescents
14. Organisational and training aspects for the participation of non-profit organisations in the network work for the management of childhood and adolescent emergencies
15. Taking charge of minor offenders in a network intervention perspective
16. Stray hounds and young gorillas

Chapter 3 – Health
17. Sex education
18. Alcohol consumption among the very young
19. Minors and young people: new highway code between rules and sanctions
20. Mental retardation as an existential condition: the need to build a culture of care oriented to the development of life quality
21. Adolescents and nutrition
22. Paediatric emergency
23. Children and drugs: the prescribing profile in primary care
24. Health and eating habits of adolescents

Chapter 4 – Media and communication
25. E-Generation
26. Internet as a new socialisation channel for teenagers: Communities and Blogs
27. Internet, Mp3, chat: Screen-agers, a generation in front of the monitor?
28. Marketing from the young age: the business of children’s products
29. Hackers: a youth phenomenon
30. How cinema speaks to young people
31. The world of information and communication technologies in Europe
32. The reform of education and training systems

Chapter 5 – Culture, Lifestyle and Leisure
33. Children and travel: travel, holidays and child-friendly tourism
34. The child as an economic subject: the relationship between childhood and money
35. Organisation of culture and children’s enjoyment
36. Children and the stadium. Possible models of violence
37. Family: towards a new identity?
38. 2005: the child is fashionable
39. The child’s daily life and time analysis
40. Mediation in school conflicts

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Young people in 2005: ‘explorers without frontiers’ between opportunities and risks

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