5th National Report on the Condition of Childhood and Adolescence (2004)

Over the years of their collaboration, which has now reached the publication of the 5th Report on the Condition of Childhood and Adolescence, Eurispes and Telefono Azzurro have seen an ever-increasing demand for understanding and interpretation the universe of youth in terms of social organizations, the media and institutions. Often, the growing attention towards issues involving children and teenagers has also been accompanied by a precise willingness to intervene, both on the part of the institutions and the social partners: a sign that the constant monitoring of youth phenomena contributes to the construction of a more widespread awareness of the rights of minors and to a better coordination of efforts and initiatives.
The Report reiterates the decision to focus on social analysis and territorial monitoring around the traditional themes already explored in the past (violated rights, listening to children and adolescents in difficulty, mental health, juvenile deviance, relationship with the new media, etc.).
However, in this edition, the usual areas of investigation related to discomfort and abuse further deepen the international perspective that Eurispes and Telefono Azzurro have always cultivated since the beginning of their collaboration, and revolve around a fundamental question: if we think about mental health, distress and abuse, what distinguishes the most European children and teenagers from their peers of other cultures? This question proves to be an effective heuristic tool to distinguish old and new emergencies suffered by foreign children from the ones that affect children and teenagers in the Western economic and cultural context.



Old and new emergencies in the global scenario

by Ernesto Caffo, President of SoS Il Telefono Azzurro Onlus and Gian Maria Fara, President of Eurispes


Chapter 1 – Abuse, exploitation and violated rights

  1. The new slaves of the third millennium: trafficking, trade and trafficking in children and adolescents
  2. Warrior” children, shame and crime of “adults
  3. Elsewhere and nowhere chasing life: missing children and adolescents “on the run
  4. The involvement of minors in sects
  5. The fight against poverty: still an open challenge
  6. The Internet and Minors Self-Regulation Code: new guarantees for young surfers
  7. Internet, child pornography and risk perception
  8. Children and advertising


Chapter 2 – Discomfort, deviance and juvenile justice

  1. The children’s emergency service 114: a model for taking care of emergencies
  2. The design and application of quality standards in telephone helplines for children and adolescents
  3. Which reform for juvenile justice?
  4. Juvenile deviance and violent behaviour: paths of reflection and intervention
  5. Urban juvenile violence: the Naples case and the main European experiences
  6. School integration of foreign minors
  7. Dangerous relationships: drug consumption and doping in adolescence
  8. Suicide behaviour in Italian minors


Chapter 3 – Sociality, culture and new media

  1. The role of school in students’ perceptions
  2. The system of certainties and values of Italian adolescents
  3. On-line counselling for children and adolescents: problematic aspects and opportunities for the development of new listening channels
  4. Children and adolescents: new paths to free time
  5. Italian football and young people: the factory of hope
  6. Comics
  7. “Junior Woodchucks:” the Boy Scouts in Italy
  8. The city on a child’s scale


Chapter 4 – Health

  1. The problem of “pain” in newborns and children
  2. The health of immigrant children: realities and problems
  3. From “general” depression to depressive disorders in childhood: what is the clinical reality?
  4. Coeliac disease
  5. Hyperactivity disorders in children
  6. New media-induced pathologies
  7. Aids and minors
  8. Risky roads: the danger is around the corner


Chapter 5 – The Family

  1. Cost of children: the opportunity of conciliation
  2. Company micro-nurseries
  3. Separated fathers: conflicts, crimes, desire for redemption and shared custody
  4. The role of grandparents in the extended family
  5. Parenting and prison: mothers, fathers, minors, inside and outside the bars
  6. Foster care and the process of deinstitutionalisation of juvenile institutions
  7. Lights and shadows of the new law 40/2004 on medically assisted procreation
  8. Child prodigies



Opinion leaders


Identikit of the child


Identikit of the teenager

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Summary Document

Young people of the complexity: optimists and critical in search of values and autonomy

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