3rd National Report on the Condition of Childhood and Adolescence (2002)
With the 3rd Report on the Condition of Childhood and Adolescence, the intense and well-tested collaboration between Telefono Azzurro and Eurispes continues, with the aim of identifying, through a tried and tested model of analysis, the problems and critical issues emerging in the world of children and adolescents, and of intercepting, at the same time, the demand for intervention coming from institutions, civil society, childcare workers and families. The Report confirms the decision to go into the traditional thematic areas explored in the past (discomfort and abuse, management of emergencies through telephone counselling, juvenile crime, sexual exploitation and violence against minors, the problem of disability, child depression, substance use, etc.) by means of constant and widespread monitoring.
In addition to the usual in-depth analysis and monitoring of the topics already explored in previous research reports, this year the 3rd Report has a new objective: that of analysing, in particular, the biological, cognitive and relational boundaries between childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Within this framework of analysis, it seemed appropriate to discuss, together with a panel of politicians and opinion leaders from different disciplinary areas, a phenomenon that, according to some, can be defined as an acceleration of the child’s growth. This is partly due to the impact of the mass media and the new information technologies on the mechanisms of cognitive development.
A betrayed childhood
by Ernesto Caffo, President of SoS Il Telefono Azzurro Onlus and Gian Maria Fara, President of Eurispes
Chapter 1 – The Listening and the Justice
- The Convention of Rights after the Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly
- Emergency Management within Telefono Azzurro’s experience
- The Guarantor for Children
- Probation on the basis of the juvenile criminal trial and the operational meaning of the foster care services
- Juvenile criminal mediation
- Juvenile deviance
- Juvenile gangs
- Foreign children: so near… so far!
Chapter 2 – Discomfort and Abuse
Tab 9. Adolescent discomfort
- Should the law really be the same for everyone?
- Young sex offenders: small perpetrators for big crimes
- Yokohama: point of arrival or departure?
- Intervention protocols on abuse and harassment
- Help and recovery paths for young offenders
- The neighbourhood watchman for the prevention of abuse and harassment
- Protection of children’s rights in the use and representation of the mass media: a constantly evolving relationship.
The protection of children’s rights in the use and representation of the mass media: a constantly evolving relationship
Chapter 3 – Psychology and Health
- Law 328/2000. Which kind of future for childhood and adolescence?
- Sexuality and adolescence
- Sport and young people: football schools and baby footballers
- Patch Adams: prevention and “therapy” lessons
- Depression: right or social fear?
- Post-traumatic stress disorder in childhood and adolescence
- Consumption and abuse of drugs
- Disability: the state of integration
Chapter 4 – Education, Culture and Leisure Time
- Early school leaving
- When the school and the pupils do not have the same nationality
- Old and new cartoons: politically incorrect cartoons
- The Harry Potter generation: children’s publishing between fantasy and thriller
- Adolescents between indifference and political movement
- The new fast communication: e-mail, sms and chat-lines
- Piercings and tattoos: violent manipulation and rejection of the adolescent body
- What I will do when I grow up
Chapter 5 – The Family
- Analysis of family demographic trends in Italy
- Reconstituted families: developmental tasks and specificity of relationships
- Shared custody
- Distress following separation
- The “puer aeternus”: The phenomenon of the extended family
- Sustainable development… of poverty
- Unaccompanied foreign minors and reception structures
- Family policies
In-depth interviews
Opinion leaders
The identikit of the child
The identikit of the teenager