2nd “Our Excellence” Report

Once again in 2007, the Institute identified 100 entrepreneurial and institutional realities, in addition to those already monitored in the first edition of the Report on Excellence in Italy. The Institute’s major objective in carrying out this annual monitoring exercise is to create, step by step, an increasingly up-to-date and in-depth map of those experiences of excellence that can help make Italy more competitive.
The choice was certainly made on the basis of scientific criteria, but it was also characterised by particular randomness, given the complexity of the Italian production system, which can count on a large number of companies, most of which are small and medium-sized.
It should be emphasised that the 100 selected cases are merely a metaphor for a Country that works, despite the difficulties of the economic cycle, the organisational and cultural delays, and the fetters of a bureaucracy that often dissipates vital energy and slows down the drive for change, squeezing development opportunities.
Simplifying and un-bureaucratising” must therefore be the watchwords to make the business system in Italy more efficient and competitive.
Looking through the list of 100 experiences included in the Report, it is easy to see that these enterprises, organisations, institutions and associations produce a strong psychological boost, positive energy and an injection of confidence that benefits the entire Country.
This is why special care and attention must be paid to these experiences of excellence. Politicians and public administrations must provide these centres of organisational vitality and entrepreneurial energy with real support to encourage their dynamism. In particular, they must do this by creating a coherent and propulsive environment (economic, administrative, infrastructural and cultural) capable of fostering their development.


Below is the list of companies and institutions monitored within the “Our Excellence” Report

Institutions, Bodies and Associations

Arma dei Carabinieri 2a Brigata Mobile
Azienda Regionale Emergenza Sanitaria – ARES 118
Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura di Potenza
Centro di solidarietà Il Delfino
CESP – Centro servizi per le piccole e medie imprese – Azienda Speciale della Camera di Commercio di Matera
Cittadinanzattiva onlus
Comune di Fiumicino
Consorzio Zona Industriale e Porto Fluviale di Padova
Ente Nazionale di Previdenza ed Assistenza dei Medici e degli Odontoiatri
Festival della Scienza
Fondazione per la Sussidiarietà
Fondazione Sistema Toscana
Gruppo Trentino Servizi
Istituto Leonarda Vaccari
Istituto Nazionale per le Malattie Infettive – Lazzaro Spallanzani
Istituto Professionale di Stato per i Servizi Alberghieri e della Ristorazione
Museo Archeologico Regionale di Agrigento
Museo del Balì
Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù
Osservatorio Comunale sull’Occupazione e le Condizioni del Lavoro a Roma
Policlinico Militare Celio di Roma
Polizia Postale delle Comunicazioni
Scuola di Polizia Tributaria della Guardia di Finanza
Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione
Uncem Toscana


Acqua Sant’Anna SpA
Acque di Casalotto SpA
Aethra SpA
Agricola Nizzi Srl – Il laboratorio “Cere di Trex”
Alessi SpA
Alfa Elettronica Srl
Ali – Agenzia per il Lavoro SpA
Artim – Società consortile cooperativa
Azienda Agricola Coretto
Banca della Campania
Banca delle Marche SpA
Banca di Credito Cooperativo Abruzzese
Banca Popolare di Puglia e Basilicata
BancaAssurance Popolari SpA
Bartolucci Srl
Bellantuono Srl
Biocontrol Srl
Ceramiche Appia Nuova SpA
Ceryx Srl
Confetti Pelino
Cooperativa Palermitana Olivicoltori
Copaim SpA
Deipel Srl
Diesel SpA
Distilleria F.lli Caffo Srl
Dorelan SpA
Ecologia Oggi Srl
Edizioni Pulcinoelefante
Elettricità dai Rifiuti Urbani Edru Srl
Emu Group SpA
Epica Srl
Euro Progea
F.lli Mannoni
Fantasy Intimo
Fileni Srl
Fratelli Peroni
Gallozzi Group SpA
Gea SpA
Gruppo Carraro
Gruppo Cavit
Gruppo Cisco
Gruppo Pasta Zara
Gruppo Seit Srl
Gruppo Triumph Srl
Kemon SpA
La Spezia Container Terminal SpA
Leone SpA
Lucas Engine SpA
Mer Mec SpA
Midolini Azienda Agricola Srl
Monini SpA
MP Infissi
Novamont SpA
Officina Rambaldi SpA
OMA – Officine Meccaniche Aeronautiche SpA
Operatore Collettivo – Piani e Programmi di Azione Locale (OC-PPAL)
Pastificio Lucio Garofalo SpA
Pi.Mar Srl
Planeta Vini di Sicilia
Promez Srl
Retecologica Srl
Rispo Srl – Alimenti surgelati
Sartoria Sabino
Studio 100 Tv Salento news network
Studio Roscini Srl
Sugherificio Ganau SpA
Target Euro
Tissuelab SpA
TreA – Aziende Agricole Associate
Vetreria Vistosi
VM Motori SpA
Western Co.




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Summary Document

100 cases of companies, Institutions, bodies and associations of excellence within the Italian system

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