2nd National Report on the Condition of Children, Pre-adolescents and Adolescents (2001)
One year after the 1st National Report on the Condition of Childhood and Adolescence presentation, Eurispes and Telefono Azzurro reiterate the need for increased attention to the world of childhood with new data and new perspectives of analysis. The impression is that the world of children is too often interpreted through ineffective and misleading instruments. Parents, in essence, with their intervention, can prevent critical experiences from modifying normal growth processes, producing fractures in physical, social, emotional and cognitive development. However, families are not always able to respond to a child’s needs. On the contrary, in many cases, they can be at the basis of the child’s distress.
The contribution that Telefono Azzurro and Eurispes want to give is to be able to define some boundaries in the complex and articulated dimensions in which the life and the essence of childhood and adolescence are expressed, by adopting a scientific, socio-statistical approach, to provide some reference points for theoretical elaboration, for practical verification and for identifying new horizons of reflection and action, to safeguard the health and development of childhood and adolescence.
Parents on the run
by Ernesto Caffo, President of SoS Il Telefono Azzurro Onlus and Gian Maria Fara, President of Eurispes
Chapter 1 – The listening and the justice
Principles and new technologies for a quality listening service for children and teenagers
1: Telephone counselling
- The network of child protection services
- A national observatory on child maltreatment: Telefono Azzurro
- Judicial listening to the child
- Institutional violence: psychological distress following the judicial process of the child
- The juvenile prison
- Children growing up in prison: children of women in prison
Chapter 2 – Discomfort and Abuse
Ethics and responsibility
- Psychological abuse within the family and at school
- Psychological abuse of the media
- Violent teenagers: phenomenon or case?
- International child abduction
- Drugs: the lesser evil
- Child pornography
- Sexual exploitation of minors
Chapter 3 – Education and Culture
Childhood as a commercial
- How education would have changed…
- …And how it has changed: the state of Italian schooling
- Parental training: listening education and prevention of maltreatment and abuse phenomena
- Civic education and national identity
- Educating to differences
- The identity journey of foreign children: growing up between two worlds
- Computer literacy
Chapter 4 – The Family
The Italy of families
- Statistical-demographic characteristics of the family in Italy
- Policies in support of the family and motherhood and fatherhood
- The child’s right to have a family. New adoption law
- Family mediation
- Intra-family conflicts
- The family as seen by the teenagers
- Babysitting
Chapter 5 – Health
Mental health in the Evolutive Age
- The minor’s health: the right to well-being
- Socio-sanitary and extracurricular services for adolescents
- Autonomy of the family in the choice of health interventions
- Anxiety and depression: the consumption of tranquillizers and antidepressants
- Prevalence, characteristics and risk factors in child maltreatment: an overview of the results of a national study in 19 paediatric emergency departments
- Sex education
- Preventing is better than curing: vaccinations
Chapter 6 – Quality of life and free time
Once upon a time… leisure time
- Periodicals for children: the story, comics, new trends
- The cinema, children’s art
- Little critics grow up: something to talk about
- The mobile phone: a social phenomenon
- Minors and gambling
- Adolescents and their social and political commitment
- Mobility, services for children and urban safety