1st “Our Excellence” Report

In recent years, our Institute has drawn up detailed and accurate analyses of some of Italy’s main economic phenomena ( state expenditure and budget, investments and economic growth, taxation and the fight against tax evasion, undeclared work in industry and services and precarious employment, household consumption and savings, stock market values and the protection of small shareholders, poverty and inequality between social classes).
Because of the results of the research carried out, the Institute has often been branded with declinism and pauperism and quite a few economic Solons, together with talented opinion leaders, have accused Eurispes of wanting to pursue – for unconfessed political purposes – the myth of decline at all costs and of “Italian poverty”. The truth was and is now visible to all and shows that Eurispes is not and has never been pauperist or declinist, but has always described the economic and social reality of the Country.
Thanks also to the regional offices located throughout the territory, which are true avant-garde sensors, the Institute has often found itself dealing with productive experiences of excellence, with the capacity for enterprise of old and young captains of industry and with the organisational wisdom of public and private managers grappling with budgetary difficulties and resistance to organisational change.
Hence the idea that it would be appropriate to examine these aspects in greater depth by selecting and studying those cases of success. Such cases, in terms of history, company mission, capacity for process and product innovation and the quality of organisational processes, have particularly characterised Italy’s most recent economic history. The main production areas and the most significant entrepreneurial, institutional and associative experiences in Italy were monitored, and 100 cases were identified. However, the Report on Excellence could include hundreds, thousands of other cases that continually add lustre and prestige to the Country’s system.
The 100 cases selected are just a metaphor for a Country that works, despite the difficulties of the economic cycle, organisational and cultural delays, and the constraints of a bureaucracy that often disperses vital energies and slows down the drive for change, reducing development opportunities.


Below is the list of companies and institutions monitored within the “Our Excellence” Report

Institutions, Bodies and Associations

ACI – Automobile Club d’Italia
AIMaC – Associazione Italiana Malati di Cancro, parenti e amici
Associazione Reggio Parma Festival
Auditorium Parco della Musica
Azienda Speciale Palaexpo
Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma
Camera di commercio, industria, artigianato e agricoltura di Taranto
CASD – Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa
Comune di Olbia
Investigazioni Scientifiche dell’Arma dei Carabinieri
Istituto Italiano per la Qualità del Vivere
Istituto Regina Elena di Roma
Polizia di Stato – Servizio Sanitario
Società Geografica Italiana
S.O.S. Il Telefono Azzurro Onlus
Università degli Studi della Tuscia – Facoltà di Agraria
Upter – Università Popolare di Roma


Agrumaria Corleone Spa
Amit Srl
Amplifon Spa
Angelantoni Industria Spa
Arnaldo Caprai Società Agricola Srl
Ateneo Impresa Spa
Azienda Amarelli
Azienda Olearia Arturo Archibusacci
Azimut-Benetti Spa
AZ Surgelati Spa
Banca Popolare di Bari
Banca Popolare FriulAdria
Bauli Spa
Brunello Cucinelli Spa
Bsl – Bertola Servizi Logistici Spa
Caliaitalia Spa
Carel Spa
Cassa di Risparmio di San Miniato Spa
CNC Spa – Centro Nazionale di Coordinamento di attività telematiche ed operative per la riscossione
Co.El.Mo. Srl
Colussi Group
Dainese Spa
d’Amico Società di Navigazione Spa
Delta Srl
Digitart Spa
Divella Spa
Donnafugata 2000 Srl
Fanfani Bandinelli Srl
Fater Spa
FBM – Fornaci Briziarelli Marsciano Spa
Fiart Mare
Foodinvest Corporate Spa
Fratelli De Cecco Spa
Galvene Spa
Giacinto Callipo conserve alimentari Spa
Gioform e la manifestazione “Eurochocolate”
Giunti Labs Srl
Grossimpianti Srl
Gruppo Aicon Yachts
Gruppo Alimentare in Toscana Spa
Gruppo Bazzica
Gruppo Beghelli
Gruppo Editoriale Edizeta
Gruppo Marconi Srl
Gruppo Matarazzo
Gruppomega Spa – Cabling & Network Business Solution
Gruppo MPH
Gruppo Protex
Gruppo Sossai
GSC Proxitalia Spa
Gustamacchia Spa
I.B.G. Spa
Imap Export Spa
Indesit Company Spa
INglass Spa
Italeco Spa
K-o-r-u-s Research
La Versa Spa
Locman Spa
Lungarotti Srl
L’Unione Sarda Spa
Merloni Progetti Spa
MolMed Spa
P.D.M. Spa – Società proprietaria del marchio “Harmont & Blaine”
Radio 24
Sacmi – Società Anonima Cooperativa Meccanici Imola
Safilo Spa
Saquella 1856 Srl
SeTeL Srl
Sogeas Spa – Società Gestione Acque Siracusa
Stelliferi & Itavex Spa
Svimservice Spa
Tecnogamma Spa
Telenorba Spa
Tesi Automazione Srl
Tesseci Srl – Tessitura Serica Cicala
Trasfiv Spa
Travel Company Srl
Umbra Cuscinetti Spa
Upper Spa
Vemar Helmets Srl


File Indice

Summary Document

100 cases of companies, Institutions, bodies and associations of excellence within the Italian system

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