The Games, Legality and Pathologies Observatory

The Eurispes has established a Permanent Observatory on gaming, legality and pathologies.

With the constitution of the Observatory, the Eurispes intended to propose a centre for the production of data and knowledge on the specific themes of the field. The purpose of the Observatory is to confront, study, analyse socio-economic, cultural and juridical problems and – at the same time – organising and promoting conventions, meetings, debates, conferences among the operators of the sector Institutions and the Regulatory Authorities.

The scientific researches carried out by the Observatory can be a privileged source for the Institutions to promote legislative proposals, which are necessary for both this specific industry and for ordinary citizens.

Eurispes’ wealth of ideas, data, and analyses has constituted the Observatory’s initial capital. A capital that – due to its non-self-referential character – represents a strong point of innovation concerning other realities and is made up of methodology, third party status, independence, and credibility, including at the international level.

The driving force of the Observatory is located in its openness to the contribution and direct adhesion of the leading operators in the sector – both public and private – such as local Authorities, trade associations and police forces.

Some of the issues that the Observatory pays particular attention to are the phenomena of gambling, taxation in the gambling industry, measures to combat illegal gambling, local regulations, EU principles and relations with the European Union, money laundering and the policies implemented by industry operators.

The Observatory also proposes a critical examination of the current legislation to make an original contribution to the development of a Consolidated Act on gaming and betting.

Scientific Committee


Antonio De Donno – Prosecutor of the Republic of Brindisi


Lawyer Chiara Sambaldi

Lawyer Andrea Strata


Lawyer Alberto Corsinovi – President of the Federation of the Misericordie of Tuscany

Lawyer Sergio Fiorentino – State Attorney

Lawyer Antonino Galletti – President of the Bar Association of Rome

Lawyer Gianluca Gambogi – Lecturer in Criminal Tax Law at the Tax Police School of the Guardia di Finanza (Finance Police)

Nicola Graziano – Magistrate at the Court of Naples

Dr Clotilde Marinacci – Psychologist and Psychotherapist

Prof Alberto Mattiacci – Director of Eurispes Scientific Committee – Professor of Economics and Business Management, Sapienza University of Rome

Stefano Musolino – Deputy Prosecutor District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Reggio Calabria

Serenella Pascali – Pedagogist expert of social politics

Giovamabattista Palumbo – Director of the Eurispes Observatory on Fiscal Policies

Mons Romano Rossi – Bishop of the Diocese of Civita Castellana

Prof Franca Tani – Full Professor of Developmental Psychology and Educational Psychology, University of Florence


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